Uses of Interface

Packages that use AGIChannel
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's FastAGI. 
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the net.sf.asterisk.fastagi package. 

Uses of AGIChannel in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi

Methods in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi with parameters of type AGIChannel
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.answer(AGIChannel channel)
          Deprecated. Answers the channel.
protected  int AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String application)
          Deprecated. Executes the given command.
protected  int AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String application, java.lang.String options)
          Deprecated. Executes the given command.
protected  int AbstractAGIScript.execCommand(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String application)
          Deprecated. use AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel, String) instead
protected  int AbstractAGIScript.execCommand(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String application, java.lang.String options)
          Deprecated. use AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel, String, String) instead
protected  int AbstractAGIScript.getChannelStatus(AGIChannel channel)
          Deprecated. Returns the status of the channel.
Return values: 0 Channel is down and available 1 Channel is down, but reserved 2 Channel is off hook 3 Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed 4 Line is ringing 5 Remote end is ringing 6 Line is up 7 Line is busy
protected  java.lang.String AbstractAGIScript.getData(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file and waits for the user to enter DTMF digits until he presses '#'.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractAGIScript.getData(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file, int timeout)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file and waits for the user to enter DTMF digits until he presses '#' or the timeout occurs.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractAGIScript.getData(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file, int timeout, int maxDigits)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file and waits for the user to enter DTMF digits until he presses '#' or the timeout occurs or the maximum number of digits has been entered.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.getOption(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file, and waits for the user to press one of the given digits.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.getOption(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file, java.lang.String escapeDigits, int timeout)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file, and waits for the user to press one of the given digits.
protected  java.lang.String AbstractAGIScript.getVariable(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Returns the value of the given channel variable.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.hangup(AGIChannel channel)
          Deprecated. Hangs the channel up.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.playMusicOnHold(AGIChannel channel)
          Deprecated. Plays music on hold from the default music on hold class.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.playMusicOnHold(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String musicOnHoldClass)
          Deprecated. Plays music on hold from the given music on hold class.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.sayAlpha(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String text)
          Deprecated. Says the given character string.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.sayAlpha(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Says the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.sayDigits(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String digits)
          Deprecated. Says the given digit string.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.sayDigits(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String digits, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.sayNumber(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String number)
          Deprecated. Says the given number.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.sayNumber(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String number, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.sayPhonetic(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String text)
          Deprecated. Says the given character string with phonetics.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.sayPhonetic(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String text, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Says the given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.sayTime(AGIChannel channel, long time)
          Deprecated. Says the given time.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.sayTime(AGIChannel channel, long time, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Says the given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
 void AGIScript.service(AGIRequest request, AGIChannel channel)
          The service method is called by the AsteriskServer whenever this AGIScript should handle an incoming AGIRequest.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setAutoHangup(AGIChannel channel, int time)
          Deprecated. Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds in the future.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setCallerId(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String callerId)
          Deprecated. Sets the caller id on the current channel.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setContext(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String context)
          Deprecated. Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setExtension(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String extension)
          Deprecated. Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setPriority(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String priority)
          Deprecated. Sets the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.setVariable(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Deprecated. Sets the value of the given channel variable to a new value.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.stopMusicOnHold(AGIChannel channel)
          Deprecated. Stops playing music on hold.
protected  void AbstractAGIScript.streamFile(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.streamFile(AGIChannel channel, java.lang.String file, java.lang.String escapeDigits)
          Deprecated. Plays the given file and allows the user to escape by pressing one of the given digit.
protected  char AbstractAGIScript.waitForDigit(AGIChannel channel, int timeout)
          Deprecated. Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds to receive a DTMF digit.

Uses of AGIChannel in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl that implement AGIChannel
 class AGIChannelImpl
          Default implementation of the AGIChannel interface.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Stefan Reuter. All Rights Reserved.