Class Summary | |
AGICommand | Abstract base class for all commands supported by asterisk's FastAGI. |
AnswerCommand | Answers channel if not already in answer state. Returns -1 on channel failure, or 0 if successful. |
ChannelStatusCommand | Returns the status of the specified channel. |
ControlStreamFileCommand | Plays the given file, allowing playback to be interrupted by the given
digits, if any, and allows the listner to control the stream. If offset is provided then the audio will seek to sample offset before play starts. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected. |
DatabaseDelCommand | Deletes a family or specific keytree within a family in the Asterisk
database. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. |
DatabaseDelTreeCommand | Deletes an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family and key. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. |
DatabaseGetCommand | Retrieves an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family and key. Returns 0 if is not set. |
DatabasePutCommand | Adds or updates an entry in the Asterisk database for a given family, key,
and value. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. |
ExecCommand | Executes an application with the given options. Returns whatever the application returns, or -2 if the application was not found. |
GetDataCommand | Stream the given file, and recieve DTMF data. |
GetFullVariableCommand | Returns the value of the given channel varible and understands complex
variable names and builtin variables, unlike the GetVariableCommand. You can also use this command to use custom Asterisk functions. |
GetOptionCommand | Plays the given file, and waits for the user to press one of the given digits. |
GetVariableCommand | Returns the value of the given channel varible. Since Asterisk 1.2 you can also use this command to use custom Asterisk functions. |
HangupCommand | Hangs up the specified channel. |
NoopCommand | Does nothing. |
ReceiveCharCommand | Receives a character of text on a channel. Specify timeout to be the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for infinite. Most channels do not support the reception of text. Returns the decimal value of the character if one is received, or 0 if the channel does not support text reception. |
ReceiveTextCommand | Receives a string of text on a channel. Specify timeout to be the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or 0 for infinite. Most channels do not support the reception of text. Returns -1 for failure or 1 for success, and the string in parentheses. Available since Asterisk 1.2. |
RecordFileCommand | Record to a file until a given dtmf digit in the sequence is received. Returns -1 on hangup or error. The format will specify what kind of file will be recorded. |
SayAlphaCommand | Say a given character string, returning early if any of the
given DTMF digits are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. |
SayDateTimeCommand | Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
pressed. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. Available since Asterisk 1.2. |
SayDigitsCommand | Say a given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. |
SayNumberCommand | Say a given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are
received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. |
SayPhoneticCommand | Say a given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of the
given DTMF digits are received on the channel. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. |
SayTimeCommand | Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
received on the channel. Time is the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. |
SendImageCommand | Sends the given image on a channel. Most channels do not support the transmission of images. Returns 0 if image is sent, or if the channel does not support image transmission. |
SendTextCommand | Sends the given text on a channel. Most channels do not support the transmission of text. Returns 0 if text is sent, or if the channel does not support text transmission. |
SetAutoHangupCommand | Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds in
the future. Of course it can be hungup before then as well. |
SetCallerIdCommand | Changes the callerid of the current channel. |
SetContextCommand | Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application. |
SetExtensionCommand | Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application. |
SetMusicOffCommand | Turns off music on hold on the current channel. Always returns 0. |
SetMusicOnCommand | Turns on music on hold on the current channel. Always returns 0. |
SetPriorityCommand | Sets the priority for continuation upon exiting the application. Since Asterisk 1.2 SetPriorityCommand also supports labels. |
SetVariableCommand | Sets the given channel varible to the given value. |
StreamFileCommand | Plays the given file, allowing playback to be interrupted by the given
digits, if any. If offset is provided then the audio will seek to sample offset before play starts. Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error or if the channel was disconnected. |
TDDModeCommand | Enable/Disable TDD transmission/reception on a channel. Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if channel is not TDD-capable. |
VerboseCommand | Sends a message to the console via the verbose message system. Always returns 1. |
WaitForDigitCommand | Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit. Returns -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is received in the timeout, or the numerical value of the ascii of the digit if one is received. |
Provides classes that represent the standard commands that can be sent to an Asterisk server via the FastAGI.