is receiced from the
Asterisk server.channels/chan_agent.c
eventwhencalled = yes
in queues.conf
.enabled = yes
to the general section in
on asterisk's
command line.DEBUG
AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel, String)
AbstractAGIScript.exec(AGIChannel, String, String)
if a beep should be played before recording.
if Caller ID presentation is set on the
outgoing channel.
if it is a global variable.
as values.
lines in
and sip.conf
) with the call manager interface listening
on the default port (5038 if you didn't change that via
setting in queues.conf
if the parameter does not exist.
null if the parameter does not exist.
If the parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1.
getParameterValues(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getPartialResult() -
Method in exception net.sf.asterisk.manager.EventTimeoutException
Returns the partial result that has been received before the timeout
Note: Using the partial result in your application should be avoided
wherever possible.
getPaused() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
Returns if the queue member should be paused when added.
getPaused() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
Returns if the member is made available or unavailable.
getPaused() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
Returns if this queue member is paused (not accepting calls).
getPaused() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
Is this queue member paused (not accepting calls)?
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
getPaused() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberPausedEvent
Returns if this queue member is paused (not accepting calls).
getPauseDigit() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
Retruns the digit for pause and unpause.
getPeer() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SIPShowPeerAction
Returns the name of the peer to retrieve.
This parameter is mandatory.
getPeer() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
Returns the name of the peer that registered.
getPeerStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
Returns the registration state.
This may be one of
Rejected (IAX only)
getPenalty() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
Returns the penalty for this member.
getPenalty() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
Returns the penalty for the added member.
getPenalty() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
Returns the penalty for the added member.
getPort() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskServer
Returns the port.
getPosition() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
Returns the position of the joined channel in the queue.
getPosition() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
Returns the position of this entry in the queue.
getPriority() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the priority in the dial plan from which the AGI script was
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetPriorityCommand
Returns the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
Returns the priority of the extension to connect to.
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
Returns the destination priority.
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
Returns the priority of the current extension.
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
Returns the priority.
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Extension
getPriority() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
Returns the priority of the extension to connect to.
getPrivilege() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ManagerEvent
Returns the AMI authorization class of this event.
This is one or more of system, call, log, verbose, command, agent or user.
getProtocolIdentifier() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
getProtocolIdentifier() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ConnectEvent
Returns the version of the protocol.
getProtocolIdentifier() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
Returns the protocol identifier, i.e.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
Returns the name of the queue the new member will be added to.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
Returns the name of the queue the member is made available or unavailable
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueRemoveAction
Returns the name of the queue the member will be removed from.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueStatusAction
Returns the queue filter.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
Returns the name of the queue.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractQueueMemberEvent
Returns the name of the queue.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
Returns the name of the queue that contains this entry.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEvent
Returns the name of the queue.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
Returns the name of the queue.
getQueue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
Returns the name of the queue.
getQueues() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskManager
Returns a Map of all queues.
The map contains the queue names as keys and objects of type
as values.
getQueues() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
getQueues() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
getRdnis() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
If this call has been forwared, the number of the person doing the
redirect is returned (Redirected dialed number identification service).
This is usally only only available on PRI.
getRdnis() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getReason() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
getReason() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
Returns the reason for the logoff.
getReason() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCompleteEvent
Returns if the agent or the caller terminated the call.
getReason() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
Returns the reason code for disabling logging.
getReason() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
getReasonTxt() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
Returns the textual representation of the reason for disabling logging.
getRemoteAddress() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the remote address of this channel, that is the IP address of the
Asterisk server.
getRemoteAddress() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getRemoteAddress() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
getRemoteAddress() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.io.SocketConnectionFacade
Returns the remote address of this socket connection.
getRemotePort() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the remote port of this channel, that is the client port the
Asterisk server is using for the AGI connection.
getRemotePort() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getRemotePort() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
getRemotePort() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.io.SocketConnectionFacade
Returns the remote port of this socket connection.
getRemoteStationId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
Retruns the identifier of the remote fax station.
getRequest() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns a Map containing the raw request name/value pairs.
getRequest() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getRequestURL() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the full URL of the requestURL in the form
getRequestURL() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
Returns the full URL of the request in the form
getResolution() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
Returns the row resolution of the received fax.
getResponse() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseEventsImpl
getResponse() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
Returns the value of the "Response:" line.
getResponse() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ResponseEvents
Returns the ManagerResponse received.
getRestart() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ShutdownEvent
Returns true
if the server has been restarted; false
if it has
been halted.
getResult() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the result, that is the part directly following the "result="
getResult() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the result, that is the part directly following the "result="
getResult() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.CommandResponse
Returns a List containing strings representing the lines returned by the CLI command.
getResultCode() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the return code (the result as int).
getResultCode() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the return code (the result as int).
getResultCodeAsChar() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the return code as character.
getResultCodeAsChar() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the return code as character.
getRewindDigit() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
Returns the digit for rewind.
getScript() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the name of the script to execute including its full path.
This corresponds to the request url with protocol, host, port and
parameters stripped off.
getScript() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
Returns the name of the script to execute.
getSeconds() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
Returns the number of elapsed seconds.
getSecret() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
Returns the secret.
getServiceLevel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
Returns the service level (in seconds) as defined by the servicelevel
in queues.conf
getServiceLevelPerf() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
Returns the ratio of calls answered within the specified service level per total completed
calls (in percent).
getShutdown() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ShutdownEvent
Returns the kind of shutdown or restart.
getSignalling() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
Returns the signalling of this zap channel.
Possible values are:
E & M Immediate
E & M Wink
E & M E1
Feature Group D (DTMF)
Feature Group D (MF)
Feature Group B (MF)
E911 (MF)
FXS Loopstart
FXS Groundstart
FXS Kewlstart
FXO Loopstart
FXO Groundstart
FXO Kewlstart
PRI Signalling
R2 Signalling
SF (Tone) Signalling Immediate
SF (Tone) Signalling Wink
SF (Tone) Signalling with Feature Group D (DTMF)
SF (Tone) Signalling with Feature Group D (MF)
SF (Tone) Signalling with Feature Group B (MF)
GR-303 Signalling with FXOKS
GR-303 Signalling with FXSKS
Pseudo Signalling
getSoft() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentLogoffAction
Returns whether to hangup existing calls or not.
Default is to hangup existing calls on logoff.
getSrc() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
getSrc() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
Returns the name of the source channel.
getSrcUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
Returns the unique ID of the source channel.
getStartTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
getStartTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
getState() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
Returns the state of this channel.
getState() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
Returns the (new) state of the channel.
The following states are used:
getState() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DNDStateEvent
Returns DND state of the channel.
getState() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
getStatus() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the status code.
Supported status codes are:
200 Success
510 Invalid or unknown command
520 Invalid command syntax
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the status code.
Supported status codes are:
200 Success
510 Invalid or unknown command
520 Invalid command syntax
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
Returns the status of this agent.
This is one of
Agent isn't logged in
Agent is logged in, and waiting for call
Agent is logged in, and on a call
Don't know anything about agent.
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ExtensionStatusEvent
Returns the state of the extension.
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
Returns the status of this peer.
For SIP peers this is one of:
"LAGGED (%d ms)"
"OK (%d ms)"
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
Returns the status of this queue member.
Valid status codes are:
Queue member is available
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
Returns the status of this queue member.
Available since Asterisk 1.2
Valid status codes are:
Queue member is available
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
Returns the registration state.
For sip this may be one of (not sure if all of these are exposed via the
manager api, at least "Registered" and "Timeout" are used though)
Request Sent
getStatus() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
getSynopsis() -
Method in exception net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.InvalidCommandSyntaxException
Returns the synopsis of the command that was called with invalid syntax.
getSynopsis() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the synopsis of the command sent if Asterisk expected a different
syntax (getStatus() == SC_INVALID_COMMAND_SYNTAX).
getSynopsis() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the synopsis of the command sent if Asterisk expected a different
syntax (getStatus() == SC_INVALID_COMMAND_SYNTAX).
getTalkingTo() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
Returns the numerical Caller*ID of the channel this agent is talking to.
getTalkTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCompleteEvent
Returns the amount of time the caller talked to the agent.
getText() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayAlphaCommand
Returns the text to say.
getText() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayPhoneticCommand
Returns the text to say.
getText() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SendTextCommand
Returns the text to send.
getTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
Returns the time to say in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1,
1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
getTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayTimeCommand
Returns the time to say in seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
getTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetAutoHangupCommand
Returns the number of seconds before this channel is automatically hung
getTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
Returns the ping time of the client if status equals "Reachable" or "Lagged"; if the status
equals "Unreachable" it returns how long the last response took (in ms) for IAX peers or -1
for SIP peers.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetDataCommand
Returns the timeout to wait for data.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetOptionCommand
Returns the timeout to wait if none of the defined esacpe digits was
presses while streaming.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveCharCommand
Returns the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive a character.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveTextCommand
Returns the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive the text.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
Returns the maximum record time in milliseconds.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.WaitForDigitCommand
Returns the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive a DTMF digit.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AbsoluteTimeoutAction
Returns the timeout (in seconds) to set.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
Returns the timeout for the origination.
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
Returns the number of seconds this call will be parked.
This corresponds to the parkingtime
option in
getTimeout() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
Returns the timeout for the origination.
getTimezone() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
Returns the timezone to use when saying the time.
getTransferRate() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
Returns the transfer rate in bits/s.
getType() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the type of the channel, for example "SIP".
getType() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
getUniqueId() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIRequest
Returns the unqiue id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
Returns the unqiue id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLoginEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLoginEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLogoffEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
Returns the unique id of the parked channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
Returns the unique id of this channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnholdEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UserEvent
Returns the unqiue id of the channel this event occured in.
getUniqueId() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
Returns the unique id received with this response.
getUniqueId1() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel that put the other channel on hold.
getUniqueId1() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
Returns the unique id of the first channel.
getUniqueId2() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
Returns the unique id of the channel that has been put on hold.
getUniqueId2() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
Returns the unique id of the second channel.
getUsage() -
Method in exception net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.InvalidCommandSyntaxException
Returns a description of the command that was called with invalid syntax.
getUsage() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
Returns the usage of the command sent if Asterisk expected a different
syntax (getStatus() == SC_INVALID_COMMAND_SYNTAX).
getUsage() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
Returns the usage of the command sent if Asterisk expected a different
syntax (getStatus() == SC_INVALID_COMMAND_SYNTAX).
getUserField() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
Returns the value of the cdr user field to set or append.
getUserField() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
getUsername() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
Returns the username.
getUsername() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
Returns the username used for registration.
SIP send the username in case of a registration timeout, IAX2 in case of
a registration failure.
getUserNum() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
getVal() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBPutAction
Returns the value to set.
getVal() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DBGetResponseEvent
Returns the value of the database entry that was queried.
getValue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabasePutCommand
Returns the value to set.
getValue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetVariableCommand
Returns the value to set.
getValue() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
Returns the value to store.
GetVarAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
The GetVarAction queries for a global or local channel variable.
Reading global variables is supported since Asterisk 1.2.
GetVarAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
Creates a new empty GetVarAction.
GetVarAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
Creates a new GetVarAction that queries for the given global variable.
GetVarAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
Creates a new GetVarAction that queries for the given local channel
getVariable(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
Deprecated. Returns the value of the given channel variable.
getVariable(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
Returns the value of the current channel variable.
getVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
Returns the value of the given channel variable.
getVariable() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetFullVariableCommand
Returns the name of the variable to retrieve.
getVariable() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetVariableCommand
Returns the name of the variable to retrieve.
getVariable() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetVariableCommand
Returns the name of the variable to set.
getVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
getVariable() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
Retruns the name of the variable to query.
getVariable() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
Returns the name of the variable to set.
GetVariableCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
Returns the value of the given channel varible.
Since Asterisk 1.2 you can also use this command to use custom Asterisk
GetVariableCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetVariableCommand
Creates a new GetVariableCommand.
getVariables() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
Returns the variables to set on the originated call.
getVariables() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
Returns the variables to set on the originated call.
getVariableString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed and will be removed in the
next version of Asterisk-Java.
getVersion() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskManager
Returns the version of the Asterisk server you are connected to.
This typically looks like "Asterisk 1.0.9 built by root@host on a i686
running Linux".
getVersion(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskManager
Returns the CVS revision of a given source file of the Asterisk server
you are connected to.
For example getVersion("app_meetme.c") may return {1, 102} for CVS
revision "1.102".
Note that this feature is not available with Asterisk 1.0.x.
You can use this feature if you need to write applications that behave
different depending on specific modules being available in a specific
version or not.
getVersion() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
getVersion(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
getVersion(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
getVersion() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
getWait() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
Returns the number of seconds this entry has spent in the queue.
getWaiting() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
Returns the number of new messages in the mailbox.
getWaiting() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxStatusResponse
Returns Boolean.TRUE if at least one of the given mailboxes contains new messages;
Boolean.FALSE otherwise.
getWasLinked() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
Indicates if this channel was linked to another channel at least once.
getWeight() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
Returns the weight of this queue.
A queues can be assigned a 'weight' to ensure calls waiting in a
higher priority queue will deliver its calls first.
getWrapupTime() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
Returns the minimum amount of time after disconnecting before the caller
can receive a new call.
getZapChannel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDialOffhookAction
Returns the number of the zap channel.
getZapChannel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOffAction
Returns the number of the zap channel to switch to dnd off.
getZapChannel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOnAction
Returns the number of the zap channel to switch to dnd on.
getZapChannel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapHangupAction
Returns the number of the zap channel to hangup.
getZapChannel() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapTransferAction
Returns the number of the zap channel to transfer.
- handleConnectEvent(ConnectEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- Requests the current state from the asterisk server after the connection
to the asterisk server is restored.
- handleDisconnectEvent(DisconnectEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- Resets the internal state when the connection to the asterisk server is
- handleEvent(ManagerEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- Handles all events received from the asterisk server.
Events are queued until channels and queues are initialized and then
delegated to the dispatchEvent method.
- handleEvent(ManagerEvent) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerEventHandler
- This method is called when an event is received.
- handleEvent(ManagerEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- Handles all events received from the asterisk server.
Events are queued until channels and queues are initialized and then delegated to the
dispatchEvent method.
- handleHangupEvent(HangupEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleHangupEvent(HangupEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleJoinEvent(JoinEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleLeaveEvent(LeaveEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleLinkEvent(LinkEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleLinkEvent(LinkEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleNewCallerIdEvent(NewCallerIdEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleNewChannelEvent(NewChannelEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleNewChannelEvent(NewChannelEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleNewExtenEvent(NewExtenEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleNewExtenEvent(NewExtenEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleNewStateEvent(NewStateEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleNewStateEvent(NewStateEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleQueueEntryEvent(QueueEntryEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleQueueEntryEvent(QueueEntryEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleQueueMemberEvent(QueueMemberEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleQueueMemberEvent(QueueMemberEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleQueueParamsEvent(QueueParamsEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleQueueParamsEvent(QueueParamsEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleRenameEvent(RenameEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleRenameEvent(RenameEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleResponse(ManagerResponse) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerResponseHandler
- This method is called when a response is received.
- handleStatusCompleteEvent(StatusCompleteEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleStatusEvent(StatusEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleStatusEvent(StatusEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- handleUnlinkEvent(UnlinkEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- handleUnlinkEvent(UnlinkEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- hangup(AGIChannel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Hangs the channel up.
- hangup() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Hangs the channel up.
- hangup() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Hangs the channel up.
- hangup() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- HangupAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The HangupAction causes the pbx to hang up a given channel.
- HangupAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.HangupAction
- Creates a new empty HangupAction.
- HangupAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.HangupAction
- Creates a new HangupAction that hangs up the given channel.
- HangupCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Hangs up the specified channel.
- HangupCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.HangupCommand
- Creates a new HangupCommand that hangs up the current channel.
- HangupCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.HangupCommand
- Creates a new HangupCommand that hangs up the given channel.
- HangupEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A HangupEvent is triggered when a channel is hung up.
It is implemented in channel.c
- HangupEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HangupEvent
- HoldedCallEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is put on hold.
It is implemented in res/res_features.c
- HoldedCallEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
- HoldEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A HoldEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is put on
It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - HoldEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldEvent
- Creates a new HoldEvent.
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
- info(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.JavaLoggingLog
- info(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log a message to the Log4j Logger with
- info(Object, Throwable) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log an error to the Log4j Logger with
- info(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.NullLog
- info(Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.util.Log
- initialize() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- initialize() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.Util
- InvalidCommandSyntaxException - Exception in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- An InvalidCommandSyntaxException is thrown when the reader receives a reply
with status code 520.
- InvalidCommandSyntaxException(String, String) -
Constructor for exception net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.InvalidCommandSyntaxException
- Creates a new InvalidCommandSyntaxException with the given synopsis and
- InvalidOrUnknownCommandException - Exception in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- An InvalidOrUnknownCommandException is thrown when the reader receives a reply
with status code 510.
- InvalidOrUnknownCommandException(String) -
Constructor for exception net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.InvalidOrUnknownCommandException
- Creates a new InvalidOrUnknownCommandException.
- isAtLeast(AsteriskVersion) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.AsteriskVersion
- Returns
if this version is equal to or higher than
the given version.
- isComplete() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseEventsImpl
- isConnected() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
- isConnected() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.io.SocketConnectionFacade
- Returns the connection state of the socket.
- isConnected() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Returns
if there is a socket connection to the
asterisk server, false
- isConnected() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Checks if the connection to the Asterisk server is established.
- isDebugEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- isErrorEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- isFatalEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- isInfoEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- isTraceEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- isTrue(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.AstUtil
- Checks if a String represents
or false
according to Asterisk's logic.
The original implementation is util.c
is as follows:
- isWarnEnabled() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Check whether the Log4j Logger used is enabled for
- JavaLoggingLog - Class in net.sf.asterisk.util.impl
- Log implementation that uses the java.util.logging package.
- JavaLoggingLog(Class) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.JavaLoggingLog
- Creates a new JavaLoggingLog obtained from java.util.logging for the
given class.
- JoinEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A JoinEvent is triggered when a channel joines a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- JoinEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
- keepAlive -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Should we attempt to reconnect when the connection is lost?
This is set to true
after successful login and to
after logoff or after an authentication failure when
keepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure is false
- LeaveEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A LeaveEvent is triggered when a channel leaves a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- LeaveEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LeaveEvent
- LinkageEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class providing common properties for LinkEvent and
- LinkageEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- LinkEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A LinkEvent is triggered when two voice channels are linked together and voice data exchange
Several Link events may be seen for a single call. - LinkEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkEvent
- Log - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.util
- Log4JLogger - Class in net.sf.asterisk.util.impl
Implementation of
that maps directly to a Log4J Logger. - Log4JLogger() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log4JLogger(Class) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Base constructor.
- LogChannelEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A LogChannelEvent is triggered when logging is turned on or off.
It is implemented in logger.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - LogChannelEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
- LogFactory - Class in net.sf.asterisk.util
- Facade to hide details of the underlying logging system.
- LogFactory() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.LogFactory
- login() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Logs in to the asterisk manager using asterisk's MD5 based
challenge/response protocol.
- login() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Logs in to the Asterisk server with the username and password specified
when this connection was created.
- LoginAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The LoginAction authenticates the connection.
A successful login is the precondition for sending any other action except
for the ChallengeAction.
An unsuccessful login results in an ManagerError being received from the
server with a message set to "Authentication failed" and the socket being
closed by Asterisk. - LoginAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Creates a new empty LoginAction.
- LoginAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Creates a new LoginAction that performs a cleartext login.
You should not use cleartext login if you are concerned about security,
using ChallengeAction
and login with a password hash instead.
- LoginAction(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Creates a new LoginAction that performs a login via challenge/response.
- LoginAction(String, String, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Creates a new LoginAction that performs a login via challenge/response.
- logoff() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sends a
and disconnects from the server.
- logoff() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a LogoffAction to the Asterisk server and disconnects.
- LogoffAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The LogoffAction causes the server to close the connection.
- LogoffAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LogoffAction
- Creates a new LogoffAction.
- MailboxCountAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The MailboxCountAction queries the number of unread and read messages in a
The MailboxCountAction returns a MailboxStatusResponse. - MailboxCountAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxCountAction
- Creates a new empty MailboxCountAction.
- MailboxCountAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxCountAction
- Creates a new MailboxCountAction that queries the number of unread and
read messages in the given mailbox.
- MailboxCountResponse - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.response
- A MailboxCountResponse is sent in response to a MailboxCountAction and contains the number of old
and new messages in a mailbox.
- MailboxCountResponse() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxCountResponse
- MailboxStatusAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The MailboxStatusAction checks if a mailbox contains waiting messages.
The MailboxStatusAction returns a MailboxStatusResponse. - MailboxStatusAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxStatusAction
- Creates a new empty MailboxStatusAction.
- MailboxStatusAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxStatusAction
- Creates a new MailboxStatusAction that checks for waiting messages in the
given mailbox.
- MailboxStatusResponse - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.response
- A MailboxStatusResponse is sent in response to a MailboxStatusAction and indicates if a set
of mailboxes contains waiting messages.
- MailboxStatusResponse() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxStatusResponse
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- Main - Class in net.sf.asterisk
- Starts the DefaultAGIServer.
- Main() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.Main
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.Main
- ManagerAction - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- Interface that all Actions that can be sent to the Asterisk server must
Instances of this class represent a command sent to Asterisk via Manager API,
requesting a particular Action be performed. - ManagerConnection - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- The main interface to talk to an Asterisk server via the Asterisk Manager
The ManagerConnection repesents a connection to an Asterisk Server and is
capable to send Actions and receive Responses and Events. - ManagerConnectionFactory - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- This factory is used to obtain new ManagerConnections.
- ManagerConnectionFactory() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory
- Creates a new ManagerConnectionFactory.
- ManagerError - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.response
- Represents an "Response: Error" response received from the asterisk server.
- ManagerError() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerError
- Creates a new ManagerError.
- ManagerEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class for all Events that can be received from the Asterisk
Events contain data pertaining to an event generated from within the Asterisk
core or an extension module.
There is one conrete subclass of ManagerEvent per each supported Asterisk
Event. - ManagerEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ManagerEvent
- ManagerEventHandler - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- An Interface to handle events received from an asterisk server.
- ManagerReader - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- The ManagerReader reads events and responses from the asterisk server, parses
them using EventBuilderImpl and ResponseBuilder and dispatches them to the
associated ManagerConnection.
Do not use this interface in your code, it is intended to be used only by the
DefaultManagerConnection. - ManagerReaderImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Default implementation of the ManagerReader interface.
- ManagerReaderImpl(Dispatcher, AsteriskServer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerReaderImpl
- Creates a new ManagerReaderImpl.
- ManagerResponse - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.response
- Represents a response received from the Asterisk server as the result of a
previously sent ManagerAction.
The response can be linked with the action that caused it by looking the
action id attribute that will match the action id of the corresponding
action. - ManagerResponse() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- ManagerResponseHandler - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- An Interface to handle responses received from an asterisk server.
- ManagerWriter - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- The ManagerWriter transforms actions using an ActionBuilder and sends them to
the asterisk server.
This class is intended to be used only by the DefaultManagerConnection. - ManagerWriterImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Default implementation of ManagerWriter interface.
- ManagerWriterImpl() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerWriterImpl
- Creates a new ManagerWriter.
- MappingStrategy - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- A MappingStrategy determines which AGIScript has to be called to service a
given AGIRequest.
- MeetMeEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class providing common properties for meet me (asterisk's conference system)
- MeetMeEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
- MeetMeJoinEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A MeetMeJoinEvent is triggered if a channel joins a meet me conference.
It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c
- MeetMeJoinEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeJoinEvent
- MeetMeLeaveEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A MeetMeLeaveEvent is triggered if a channel leaves a meet me conference.
It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c
- MeetMeLeaveEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeLeaveEvent
- MeetMeStopTalkingEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A MeetMeStopTalkingEvent is triggered when a user ends talking in a meet me
It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - MeetMeStopTalkingEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeStopTalkingEvent
- MeetMeTalkingEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A MeetMeTalkingEvent is triggered when a user starts talking in a meet me
It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - MeetMeTalkingEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeTalkingEvent
- MessageWaitingEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A MessageWaitingEvent is triggered when someone leaves voicemail.
It is implemented in apps/app_voicemail.c
- MessageWaitingEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
- MonitorAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The MonitorAction starts monitoring (recording) a channel.
It is implemented in res/res_monitor.c
- MonitorAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Creates a new empty MonitorAction.
- MonitorAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Creates a new MonitorAction that starts monitoring the given channel and
writes voice data to the given file(s).
- MonitorAction(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Creates a new MonitorAction that starts monitoring the given channel and
writes voice data to the given file(s).
- MonitorAction(String, String, String, Boolean) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Creates a new MonitorAction that starts monitoring the given channel and
writes voice data to the given file(s).
- MultiAsterisksManager - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- MultiAsterisksManager() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- net.sf.asterisk - package net.sf.asterisk
- net.sf.asterisk.fastagi - package net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's FastAGI.
- net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command - package net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Provides classes that represent the standard commands that can be sent
to an Asterisk server via the FastAGI.
- net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl - package net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl
- Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi package.
- net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply - package net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply
- Provides a class that represents the reply that is received
from an Asterisk server in response to a command sent via
the FastAGI.
- net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl - package net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl
- Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply package.
- net.sf.asterisk.io - package net.sf.asterisk.io
- Provides a facade to java.io.
- net.sf.asterisk.io.impl - package net.sf.asterisk.io.impl
- Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the
net.sf.asterisk.io package.
- net.sf.asterisk.manager - package net.sf.asterisk.manager
- Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's Manager API.
- net.sf.asterisk.manager.action - package net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- Provides classes that represent the standard actions that can be sent
to an Asterisk server via the Manager API.
- net.sf.asterisk.manager.event - package net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Provides classes that represent the standard events that can be received
from an Asterisk server via the Manager API.
- net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl - package net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the
net.sf.asterisk.manager package.
- net.sf.asterisk.manager.response - package net.sf.asterisk.manager.response
- Provides classes that represent the responses that are received
from an Asterisk server in response to an action send via the
Manager API.
- net.sf.asterisk.util - package net.sf.asterisk.util
- Provides various utility classes used throughout the library.
- net.sf.asterisk.util.impl - package net.sf.asterisk.util.impl
- Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the
net.sf.asterisk.util package.
- NewCallerIdEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A NewCallerIdEvent is triggered when the caller id of a channel changes.
It is implemented in channel.c
- NewCallerIdEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- NewChannelEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A NewChannelEvent is triggered when a new channel is created.
It is implemented in channel.c
- NewChannelEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewChannelEvent
- NewExtenEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A NewExtenEvent is triggered when a channel is connected to a new extension.
It is implemented in pbx.c
- NewExtenEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- newname -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- New name of the channel after renaming occured.
- NewStateEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A NewStateEvent is triggered when the state of a channel has changed.
It is implemented in channel.c
- NewStateEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewStateEvent
- NoopCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Does nothing.
- NoopCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.NoopCommand
- Creates a new NoopCommand.
- NullLog - Class in net.sf.asterisk.util.impl
- A Log implementation that does nothing.
- NullLog() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.NullLog
- Creates a new NullLog.
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
- oldname -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- Old name of the channel before renaming occured.
- Originate - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- Originate() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- OriginateAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The OriginateAction generates an outgoing call to the extension in the given
context with the given priority or to a given application with optional
If you want to connect to an extension use the properties context, exten and
priority. - OriginateAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- originateCall(Originate) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskManager
- Generates an outgoing call.
- originateCall(Originate) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- originateCall(Originate) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- OriginateEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class for events triggered in response to an OriginateAction.
- OriginateEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- originateEvent2Call(OriginateEvent) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- OriginateFailureEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- An OriginateFailureEvent is triggered when the execution of an
OriginateAction failed.
- OriginateFailureEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateFailureEvent
- OriginateSuccessEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- An OriginateSuccessEvent is triggered when the execution of an
OriginateAction succeeded.
- OriginateSuccessEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateSuccessEvent
- overrideCurrentDate(Date) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.DateUtil
- If set to a non null value uses the date given as current date on calls to getDate().
- ParkedCallEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is parked (in this case no
action id is set) and in response to a ParkedCallsAction.
It is implemented in res/res_features.c
- ParkedCallEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- ParkedCallGiveUpEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ParkedCallGiveUpEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is
hung up.
It is implemented in res/res_features.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - ParkedCallGiveUpEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallGiveUpEvent
- ParkedCallsAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ParkedCallsAction requests a list of all currently parked calls.
For each active channel a ParkedCallEvent is generated. - ParkedCallsAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ParkedCallsAction
- Creates a new ParkedCallsAction.
- ParkedCallsCompleteEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ParkedCallsCompleteEvent is triggered after all parked calls have been reported in response to
a ParkedCallsAction.
- ParkedCallsCompleteEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallsCompleteEvent
- ParkedCallTimeOutEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ParkedCallTimeOutEvent is triggered when call parking times out for a given
It is implemented in res/res_features.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - ParkedCallTimeOutEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallTimeOutEvent
- password -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- The password to use for login as defined in Asterisk's
- PeerEntryEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A PeerEntryEvent is triggered in response to a SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction and contains
information about a peer.
It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c
- PeerEntryEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- Creates a new instance.
- PeerlistCompleteEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A PeerlistCompleteEvent is triggered after the details of all peers has been reported in response
to an SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction.
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - PeerlistCompleteEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerlistCompleteEvent
- Creates a new instance.
- PeerStatusEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A PeerStatusEvent is triggered when a SIP or IAX client attempts to registrer at this asterisk
This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c
- PeerStatusEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
- PingAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The PingAction will ellicit a 'Pong' response, it is used to keep the manager
connection open and performs no operation.
- PingAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.PingAction
- Creates a new PingAction.
- PingThread - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- A Thread that pings the Asterisk server at a given interval.
You can use this to prevent the connection being shut down when there is no
traffic. - PingThread(ManagerConnection) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.PingThread
- Creates a new PingThread that uses the given ManagerConnection.
- playMusicOnHold(AGIChannel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Plays music on hold from the default music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Plays music on hold from the given music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Plays music on hold from the default music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Plays music on hold from the given music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Plays music on hold from the default music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Plays music on hold from the given music on hold class.
- playMusicOnHold() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- playMusicOnHold(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- position -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
- Queue - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- Queue(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Queue
- QueueAddAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The QueueAddAction adds a new member to a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueAddAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Creates a new empty QueueAddAction.
- QueueAddAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Creates a new QueueAddAction that adds a new member on the given
interface to the given queue.
- QueueAddAction(String, String, Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Creates a new QueueAddAction that adds a new member on the given
interface to the given queue with the given penalty.
- QueueEntryEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueEntryEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and
contains information about an entry in a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueEntryEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- QueueEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class providing common properties for JoinEvent and LeaveEvent.
- QueueEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEvent
- QueueMemberAddedEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueMemberAddedEvent is triggered when a queue member is added to a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - QueueMemberAddedEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- QueueMemberEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueMemberEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and
contains information about a member of a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueMemberEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- QueueMemberPausedEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueMemberPausedEvent is triggered when a queue member is paused or
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - QueueMemberPausedEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberPausedEvent
- QueueMemberRemovedEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueMemberRemovedEvent is triggered when a queue member is removed from a
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - QueueMemberRemovedEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberRemovedEvent
- QueueMemberStatusEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueMemberStatusEvent shows the status of a QueueMemberEvent
- QueueMemberStatusEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberStatusEvent
- QueueParamsEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueParamsEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains the parameters of
a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueParamsEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- QueuePauseAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The QueuePauseAction makes a queue member temporarily unavailabe (or
available again).
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2. - QueuePauseAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Creates a new empty QueuePauseAction.
- QueuePauseAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Creates a new QueuePauseAction that makes the member on the given
interface unavailable on all queues.
- QueuePauseAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Creates a new QueuePauseAction that makes the member on the given
interface unavailable on the given queue.
- QueuePauseAction(String, Boolean) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Creates a new QueuePauseAction that makes the member on the given
interface available or unavailable on all queues.
- QueuePauseAction(String, String, Boolean) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Creates a new QueuePauseAction that makes the member on the given
interface unavailable on the given queue.
- QueueRemoveAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The QueueRemoveAction removes a member from a queue.
It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueRemoveAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueRemoveAction
- Creates a new empty QueueRemoveAction.
- QueueRemoveAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueRemoveAction
- Creates a new QueueRemoveAction that removes the member on the given
interface from the given queue.
- QueueStatusAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The QueueStatusAction requests the state of all defined queues their members
(agents) and entries (callers).
For each queue a QueueParamsEvent is generated, followed by a
QueueMemberEvent for each member of that queue and a QueueEntryEvent for each
entry in the queue.
Since Asterisk 1.2 a QueueStatusCompleteEvent is sent to denote the end of
the generated dump.
This action is implemented in apps/app_queue.c
- QueueStatusAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueStatusAction
- Creates a new QueueStatusAction.
- QueueStatusCompleteEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A QueueStatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all queues has been reported in response
to a QueueStatusAction.
Since Asterisk 1.2 - QueueStatusCompleteEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueStatusCompleteEvent
- readLine() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
- readLine() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.io.SocketConnectionFacade
- Reads a line of text from the socket connection.
- readReply() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIReader
- Reads one reply to an AGICommand from Asterisk.
- readReply() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIReaderImpl
- readRequest() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIReader
- Reads the initial request data from Asterisk.
- readRequest() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIReaderImpl
- ReceiveCharCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Receives a character of text on a channel.
Specify timeout to be the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or
0 for infinite.
Most channels do not support the reception of text.
Returns the decimal value of the character if one is received, or 0 if the
channel does not support text reception. - ReceiveCharCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveCharCommand
- Creates a new ReceiveCharCommand with a default timeout of 0 meaning to
wait for ever.
- ReceiveCharCommand(int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveCharCommand
- Creates a new ReceiveCharCommand.
- ReceiveTextCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Receives a string of text on a channel.
Specify timeout to be the maximum time to wait for input in milliseconds, or
0 for infinite.
Most channels do not support the reception of text.
Returns -1 for failure or 1 for success, and the string in parentheses.
Available since Asterisk 1.2. - ReceiveTextCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveTextCommand
- Creates a new ReceiveTextCommand with a default timeout of 0 meaning to
wait for ever.
- ReceiveTextCommand(int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveTextCommand
- Creates a new ReceiveTextCommand.
- RecordFileCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Record to a file until a given dtmf digit in the sequence is received.
Returns -1 on hangup or error.
The format will specify what kind of file will be recorded. - RecordFileCommand(String, String, String, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Creates a new RecordFileCommand.
- RecordFileCommand(String, String, String, int, int, boolean, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Creates a new RecordFileCommand.
- RedirectAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- Redirects a given channel (and an optional additional channel) to a new
- RedirectAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Creates a new empty RedirectAction.
- RedirectAction(String, String, String, Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Creates a new RedirectAction that redirects the given channel to the
given context, extension, priority triple.
- RedirectAction(String, String, String, String, Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Creates a new RedirectAction that redirects the given channels to the
given context, extension, priority triple.
- registerEventClass(Class) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.EventBuilder
- Registers a new event class.
- registerEventClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.EventBuilderImpl
- registerEventClass(String, Class) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.EventBuilderImpl
- Registers a new event class for the event given by eventType.
- registerEventClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerReaderImpl
- registerEventClass(Class) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerReader
- Registers a new event type with the underlying EventBuilderImpl.
The eventClass must extend ManagerEvent.
- registerUserEventClass(Class) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- registerUserEventClass(Class) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Registers a new user event type.
Asterisk allows you to send custom events via the UserEvent application.
- RegistryEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A RegistryEvent is triggered when this asterisk server attempts to register
as a client at another SIP or IAX server.
This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c
- RegistryEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- ReloadEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ReloadEvent is triggerd when the
console command is executed or the
asterisk server is started.
It is implemented in manager.c
- ReloadEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ReloadEvent
- removeChannel(Channel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- removeChannel(Channel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- removeEntry(Channel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Queue
- removeEventHandler(ManagerEventHandler) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- removeEventHandler(ManagerEventHandler) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Unregisters a previously registered event handler.
Does nothing if the given event handler hasn't be been regiered before.
- removeQueue(Queue) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- removeQueue(Queue) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.MultiAsterisksManager
- RenameEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A RenameEvent is triggered when the name of a channel is changed.
It is implemented in channel.c
- RenameEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- ResourceBundleMappingStrategy - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- A MappingStrategy that is configured via a resource bundle.
The resource bundle contains the script part of the url as key and the fully
qualified class name of the corresponding AGIScript as value.
Example: - ResourceBundleMappingStrategy() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.ResourceBundleMappingStrategy
- ResponseBuilder - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- Transforms maps of attributes to instances of ManagerResponse.
- ResponseBuilderImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Default implementation of the ResponseBuilder interface.
- ResponseBuilderImpl() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseBuilderImpl
- ResponseEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class for events triggered in response to a ManagerAction.
All ResponseEvents contain an additional action id property that links the
event to the action that caused it. - ResponseEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ResponseEvent
- ResponseEvents - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- Contains the result of executing an EventGeneratingAction, that is the
ManagerResponse and any received ManagerEvents.
- ResponseEventsImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Implementation of the ResponseEvents interface.
- ResponseEventsImpl() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseEventsImpl
- Creates a new instance.
- result -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.CommandResponse
- RING -
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
- run() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIConnectionHandler
- run() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- run() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerReaderImpl
- Reads line by line from the asterisk server, sets the protocol identifier as soon as it is
received and dispatches the received events and responses via the associated dispatcher.
- run() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.PingThread
- sayAlpha(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given character string.
- sayAlpha(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF
number are received on the channel.
- sayAlpha(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given character string.
- sayAlpha(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF
number are received on the channel.
- sayAlpha(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given character string.
- sayAlpha(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given character string, returning early if any of the given DTMF
number are received on the channel.
- sayAlpha(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayAlpha(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayAlphaCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given character string, returning early if any of the
given DTMF digits are received on the channel.
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. - SayAlphaCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayAlphaCommand
- Creates a new SayAlphaCommand.
- SayAlphaCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayAlphaCommand
- Creates a new SayAlphaCommand.
- sayDateTime(long) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time and allows interruption by one of the given escape
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time in the given format and allows interruption by one of
the given escape digits.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String, String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time in the given format and timezone and allows
interruption by one of the given escape digits.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time and allows interruption by one of the given escape
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time in the given format and allows interruption by one of
the given escape digits.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time in the given format and timezone and allows
interruption by one of the given escape digits.
Available since Asterisk 1.2.
- sayDateTime(long, String, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayDateTime(long, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayDateTime(long, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayDateTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayDateTimeCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup.
Available since Asterisk 1.2. - SayDateTimeCommand(long) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayDateTimeCommand that says the given time.
- SayDateTimeCommand(long, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayDateTimeCommand that says the given time and allows
interruption by one of the given escape digits.
- SayDateTimeCommand(long, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayDateTimeCommand that says the given time in the given
format and allows interruption by one of the given escape digits.
- SayDateTimeCommand(long, String, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayDateTimeCommand that says the given time in the given
format and timezone and allows interruption by one of the given escape
- sayDigits(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given digit string.
- sayDigits(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayDigits(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given digit string.
- sayDigits(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given digit string.
- sayDigits(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayDigits(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayDigitsCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
received on the channel.
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. - SayDigitsCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDigitsCommand
- Creates a new SayDigitsCommand.
- SayDigitsCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDigitsCommand
- Creates a new SayDigitsCommand.
- sayNumber(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given number.
- sayNumber(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayNumber(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given number.
- sayNumber(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayNumber(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given number.
- sayNumber(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number
are received on the channel.
- sayNumber(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayNumber(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayNumberCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are
received on the channel.
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. - SayNumberCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayNumberCommand
- Creates a new SayNumberCommand.
- SayNumberCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayNumberCommand
- Creates a new SayNumberCommand.
- sayPhonetic(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given character string with phonetics.
- sayPhonetic(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of
the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
- sayPhonetic(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given character string with phonetics.
- sayPhonetic(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of
the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
- sayPhonetic(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given character string with phonetics.
- sayPhonetic(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of
the given DTMF number are received on the channel.
- sayPhonetic(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayPhonetic(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayPhoneticCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given character string with phonetics, returning early if any of the
given DTMF digits are received on the channel.
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. - SayPhoneticCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayPhoneticCommand
- Creates a new SayPhonticCommand.
- SayPhoneticCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayPhoneticCommand
- Creates a new SayPhoneticCommand.
- sayTime(AGIChannel, long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given time.
- sayTime(AGIChannel, long, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Says the given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are
received on the channel.
- sayTime(long) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time.
- sayTime(long, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Says the given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are
received on the channel.
- sayTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time.
- sayTime(long, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Says the given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF number are
received on the channel.
- sayTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sayTime(long, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SayTimeCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Say a given time, returning early if any of the given DTMF digits are
received on the channel.
Time is the number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970,
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed or -1 on error/hangup. - SayTimeCommand(long) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayTimeCommand.
- SayTimeCommand(long, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayTimeCommand
- Creates a new SayTimeCommand.
Static variable in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
- Status code (520) indicating Asterisk was unable to process the
AGICommand because the syntax used was not correct.
Static variable in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
- Status code (510) indicating Asterisk was unable to process the
AGICommand because there is no command with the given name available.
Static variable in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.AGIReply
- Status code (200) indicating Asterisk successfully processed the
- sendAction(ManagerAction) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- sendAction(ManagerAction, long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- sendAction(ManagerAction, ManagerResponseHandler) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- sendAction(ManagerAction, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerWriterImpl
- sendAction(ManagerAction) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a ManagerAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the
corresponding ManagerResponse.
- sendAction(ManagerAction, long) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a ManagerAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the
corresponding ManagerResponse.
- sendAction(ManagerAction, ManagerResponseHandler) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a ManagerAction to the Asterisk server and registers a callback
handler to be called when the corresponding ManagerResponse is received.
- sendAction(ManagerAction, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerWriter
- Sends the given action to the asterisk server.
- sendCommand(AGICommand) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sends a command to asterisk and returns the corresponding reply.
- sendCommand(AGICommand) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIWriter
- Sends the given command to the Asterisk server.
- sendCommand(AGICommand) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- sendCommand(AGICommand) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIWriterImpl
- sendEventGeneratingAction(EventGeneratingAction) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- sendEventGeneratingAction(EventGeneratingAction, long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- sendEventGeneratingAction(EventGeneratingAction) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a EventGeneratingAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the
corresponding ManagerResponse and the ResponseEvents.
EventGeneratingActions are ManagerActions that don't return their
response in the corresponding ManagerResponse but send a series of events
that contain the payload.
Examples for EventGeneratingActions are the
, the
or the
- sendEventGeneratingAction(EventGeneratingAction, long) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- Sends a EventGeneratingAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the
corresponding ManagerResponse and the ResponseEvents.
- SendImageCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sends the given image on a channel.
Most channels do not support the transmission of images.
Returns 0 if image is sent, or if the channel does not support image
transmission. - SendImageCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SendImageCommand
- Creates a new SendImageCommand.
- SendTextCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sends the given text on a channel.
Most channels do not support the transmission of text.
Returns 0 if text is sent, or if the channel does not support text
transmission. - SendTextCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SendTextCommand
- Creates a new SendTextCommand.
- ServerSocketFacade - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.io
- The ServerSocketFacade provides operations to accept client connections over
TCP/IP sockets.
It hides the details of the underlying I/O system used for server socket
communication. - ServerSocketFacadeImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.io.impl
- Default implementation of the ServerSocketFacade interface using standard
java.io classes (ServerSocket in this case).
- ServerSocketFacadeImpl(int, int, InetAddress) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.ServerSocketFacadeImpl
- service(AGIRequest, AGIChannel) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIScript
- The service method is called by the AsteriskServer whenever this
AGIScript should handle an incoming AGIRequest.
- setAbandoned(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the number of abandoned calls.
- setAccount(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the account code to use for the originated call.
The account code is included in the call detail record generated for this
call and will be used for billing.
- setAccount(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the account code used to bill this channel.
- setAccount(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the account code of this channel.
- setAccount(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the account code to use for the originated call.
The account code is included in the call detail record generated for this
call and will be used for billing.
- setAccountCode(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setAckCall(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
- Sets if an acknowledgement is needed when agent is called back.
This property is optional, it allows you to override the defaults defined
in Asterisk's configuration.
- setAcl(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setActionId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AbstractManagerAction
- setActionId(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ManagerAction
- Sets the action id.
If the action id is set and sent to the asterisk server any response
returned by the asterisk server will include the same action id.
- setActionId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ResponseEvent
- Sets the action id of the ManagerAction that caused this event.
- setActionId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the action id.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
- Sets the name of the agent to log in, for example "1002".
This is property is mandatory.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentLogoffAction
- Sets the name of the agent to log off, for example "1002".
This is property is mandatory.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLoginEvent
- Sets the name of the agent that logged in.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
- Sets the name of the agent that logged off.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLoginEvent
- Sets the name of the agent that logged in.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLogoffEvent
- Sets the name of the agent that logged off.
- setAgent(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the agentid.
- setAgentCalled(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setAgiServer(AGIServer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIServerThread
- Sets the AGIServer to run.
- setAlarm(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AlarmEvent
- Sets the kind of alarm that happened.
- setAlarm(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
- Sets the alarm state of this zap channel.
- setAmaFlags(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setAnswerTime(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setAppData(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the parameters passed to the application that is executed.
- setAppend(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Set to true to append the value to the cdr user field or false to
- setApplication(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ExecCommand
- Sets the name of the application to execute.
- setApplication(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the name of the application to connect to.
- setApplication(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the name of the application that is executed.
- setApplication(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the name of the application to connect to.
- setAsteriskServer(AsteriskServer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the Asterisk server.
- setAsync(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Set to true for fast origination.
- setAttributes(Map) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the Map with all attributes.
- setAuthType(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ChallengeAction
- Sets the digest alogrithm to use.
- setAuthType(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Sets the digest alogrithm when using challenge/response.
The digest algorithm is used to create the key based on the challenge and
the user's password.
Currently Asterisk supports only "MD5".
- setAutoHangup(AGIChannel, int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds
in the future.
- setAutoHangup(int) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds
in the future.
- setAutoHangup(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds
in the future.
- setAutoHangup(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- SetAutoHangupCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Cause the channel to automatically hangup at the given number of seconds in
the future.
Of course it can be hungup before then as well. - SetAutoHangupCommand(int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetAutoHangupCommand
- Creates a new SetAutoHangupCommand.
- setBeep(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Set to
to play a beep before recording.
- setBillableSeconds(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setBindPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- Deprecated. use
- setCallerId(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Sets the caller id on the current channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sets the caller id on the current channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Sets the caller id on the current channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetCallerIdCommand
- Sets the new callerId.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the caller id to set on the outgoing channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the caller id of this channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractParkedCallEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID number of the parked channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID of the channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the caller*ID.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID of the calling party.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID number of the channel that joined the queue.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- Sets the new Caller*ID.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID number of the parked channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the the Caller*ID number of this entry.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID of this channel.
- setCallerId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the caller id to set on the outgoing channel.
- setCallerId1(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the Caller*Id number of the first channel.
- setCallerId2(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the Caller*Id number of the second channel.
- SetCallerIdCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Changes the callerid of the current channel.
- SetCallerIdCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetCallerIdCommand
- Creates a new SetCallerIdCommand.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the caller id of this channel.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractParkedCallEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID name of the parked channel.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID name of the calling channel.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID Name of the channel.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the Caller*Id Name.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID name of the channel that joined the queue.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- Sets the new Caller*ID Name if set or "≶Unknown>" if none has been
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID name of the parked channel.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID name of this entry.
- setCallerIdName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the Caller*ID Name of this channel.
- setCallingPres(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Set to
if you want Caller ID presentation to be set
on the outgoing channel.
- setCalls(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the number of calls currently waiting in the queue.
- setCallsTaken(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets the number of calls answered by the added member.
- setCallsTaken(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the number of calls answered by the added member.
- setCause(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HangupEvent
- Sets the cause of the hangup.
- setCause(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
- Sets the cause of the rejection or unregistration.
- setCause(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Sets the cause of a rejected registration.
- setCauseTxt(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HangupEvent
- Sets the textual representation of the hangup cause.
- SetCDRUserFieldAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The SetCDRUserFieldAction causes the user field of the call detail record for
the given channel to be changed.
Depending on the value of the append property the value is appended or
The SetCDRUserFieldAction is implemented in
- SetCDRUserFieldAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Creates a new empty SetCDRUserFieldAction.
- SetCDRUserFieldAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Creates a new SetCDRUserFieldAction that sets the user field of the call
detail record for the given channel to the given value.
- SetCDRUserFieldAction(String, String, Boolean) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Creates a new SetCDRUserFieldAction that sets the user field of the call
detail record for the given channel to the given value.
- setChallenge(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ChallengeResponse
- Sets the challenge to use when creating the key for log in.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ChannelStatusCommand
- Sets the name of the channel to query.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetFullVariableCommand
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.HangupCommand
- Sets the name of the channel to hangup.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AbsoluteTimeoutAction
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ChangeMonitorAction
- Sets the name of the monitored channel.
This property is mandatory.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
- Sets the name of the channel if you query for a local channel variable.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.HangupAction
- Sets the name of the channel to hangup.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Sets the name of the channel to monitor.
This property is mandatory.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the name of the channel to connect to the outgoing call.
This property is required.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Sets the name of the channel to redirect.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Sets the name of the channel to set the cdr user field on.
This property is mandatory.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.StopMonitorAction
- Sets the name of the channel to end monitoring.
This property is mandatory.
- setChannel(Channel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractParkedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that is or was parked.
- setChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AlarmClearEvent
- Sets the number of the zap channel that left alarm state.
- setChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AlarmEvent
- Sets the number of the channel the alarm occured on.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DNDStateEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the name of the channel the fax has been recieved on.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
- Sets the name of the log channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that joined of left a conference.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- Sets the name of the channel to connect to the outgoing call.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that is parked.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the name of the channel of this entry.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that joines or leaves a queue.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Sets the type of channel that is registered.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the name of this channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnholdEvent
- Sets the name of the channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UserEvent
- Sets the name of the channel this event occured in.
- setChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
- Sets the number of this zap channel.
- setChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the name of the channel to connect to the outgoing call.
This property is required.
- setChannel1(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that put the other channel on hold.
- setChannel1(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the name of the first channel.
- setChannel2(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that has been put on hold.
- setChannel2(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the name of the second channel.
- setChannelCalling(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setChannelType(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setChanObjectType(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setCidCallingPres(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- Sets the CallerId presentation/screening in the form "%d (%s)".
- setCommand(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.CommandAction
- Sets the CLI command to send to the asterisk server.
- setComplete(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseEventsImpl
- Indicats if all events have been received.
- setCompleted(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the number of completed calls.
- setContext(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setContext(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetContextCommand
- Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
- Sets the context of the extension to use for callback.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ExtensionStateAction
- Sets the name of the context that contains the extension to query.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the name of the context of the extension to connect to.
If you set the context you also have to set the exten and priority
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Sets the destination context.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ExtensionStatusEvent
- Sets the context of the extension.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the name of the context of the connected extension.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- Sets the name of the context of the extension to connect to.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
- Sets the context of this zap channel.
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the name of the context of the extension to connect to.
If you set the context you also have to set the exten and priority
- setContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
- SetContextCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
- SetContextCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetContextCommand
- Creates a new SetPriorityCommand.
- setControlDigits(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
- Sets the control digits for fast forward and rewind.
- setControlDigits(String, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
- Sets the control digits for fast forward, rewind and pause.
- setCount(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEvent
- Sets the number of elements in the queue.
- setData(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the parameters to pass to the application.
- setData(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the parameters to pass to the application.
- setDateOfCreation(Date) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the date this channel has been created.
- setDateReceived(Date) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ManagerEvent
- Sets the point in time this event was received from the asterisk server.
- setDateReceived(Date) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the point in time this response was received from the asterisk
- setDefaultEventTimeout(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the time in milliseconds the synchronous method
will wait for a
response and the last response event before throwing a TimeoutException.
Default is 5000.
- setDefaultResponseTimeout(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the time in milliseconds the synchronous method
will wait for a response before
throwing a TimeoutException.
Default is 2000.
- setDefaultTimeout(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Deprecated. use
- setDestination(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setDestination(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the name of the destination channel.
- setDestinationChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setDestinationContext(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setDestUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the unique ID of the distination channel.
- setDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDigitsCommand
- Sets the digits to say.
- setDisposition(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setDomain(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Sets the domain or host name of the SIP or IAX2 server.
- setDuration(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setDynamic(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setEnabled(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
- Sets if logging has been enabled or disabled.
- setEndTime(Date) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- setEndTime(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetOptionCommand
- Sets the digits that the user is expected to press.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to end recording.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayAlphaCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDigitsCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayNumberCommand
- Sets the number that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayPhoneticCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayTimeCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEscapeDigits(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Sets the digits that allow the user to interrupt this command.
- setEventMask(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.EventsAction
- Sets the event mask.
Set to "on" if all events should be send, "off" if not events should be
sent or a combination of "system", "call" and "log" (separated by ',') to
specify what kind of events should be sent.
- setEvents(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Sets the event mask.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
- Sets the extension to use for callback.
This is property is mandatory.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ExtensionStateAction
- Sets the extension to query.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the extension to connect to.
If you set the extension you also have to set the context and priority
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Sets the destination extension.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractParkedCallEvent
- Sets the extension the channel is or was parked at.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ExtensionStatusEvent
- Sets the extension.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the extension the fax was received through.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- Sets the the extension to connect to.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the extension the channel is parked at.
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the extension to connect to.
If you set the extension you also have to set the context and priority
- setExten(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
- setExtension(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setExtension(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetExtensionCommand
- Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the extension.
- setExtension(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- SetExtensionCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sets the extension for continuation upon exiting the application.
- SetExtensionCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetExtensionCommand
- Creates a new SetPriorityCommand.
- setExtraChannel(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Sets the name of the additional channel to redirect.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseDelCommand
- Sets the family (or family of the keytree) to delete.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseDelTreeCommand
- Sets the family of the key to delete.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseGetCommand
- Sets the family of the key to retrieve.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabasePutCommand
- Sets the family of the key to set.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBGetAction
- Sets the family of the key.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBPutAction
- Sets the family of the key to set.
- setFamily(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DBGetResponseEvent
- Sets the family of the database entry that was queried.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
- Sets the name of the file to stream.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetDataCommand
- Sets the name of the file to stream.
This attribute is mandatory.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetOptionCommand
- Sets the name of the file to stream.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Sets the name of the file to stream.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Sets the name of the file to stream.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ChangeMonitorAction
- Sets the (base) name of the file(s) to which the voice data is written.
This property is mandatory.
- setFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Sets the (base) name of the file(s) to which the voice data is written.
If this property is not set it defaults to to the channel name as per CLI
with the '/' replaced by '-'.
- setFilename(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the filename of the received fax.
- setFormat(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Sets the format of the file to be recorded, for example "wav".
- setFormat(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Sets the format the time should be said in.
See voicemail.conf
Defaults to "ABdY 'digits/at' IMp".
- setFormat(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Sets the format to use for encoding the voice files.
If this property is not set it defaults to "wav".
- setFrom(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that parked the call.
- setFrom(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnparkedCallEvent
- Sets the name of the channel that parked the call.
- setHint(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
- setHoldTime(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCompleteEvent
- Sets the amount of time the caller was on hold.
- setHoldTime(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentConnectEvent
- Sets the amount of time the caller was on hold.
- setHoldtime(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the current average holdtime for this queue.
- setHostname(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskServer
- Sets the hostname.
- setHostname(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the hostname of the asterisk server to connect to.
Default is localhost
- setHostname(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory
- Sets the default hostname.
Default is "localhost".
- setImage(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SendImageCommand
- Sets the image to send.
- setInterface(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Sets the interface to add.
To add a specific channel just use the channel name, e.g.
- setInterface(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Sets the interface of the member to make available or unavailable.
This property is mandatory.
- setInterface(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueRemoveAction
- Sets the interface to remove.
This property is mandatory.
- setInternalActionId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ResponseEvent
- Sets the internal action id of the ManagerAction that caused this event.
- setInterval(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.PingThread
- Adjusts how often a PingAction is sent.
Default is 2000ms.
- setIpAddress(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- Sets the IP address of the peer.
- setIpPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setKeepAliveAfterAuthenticationFailure(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Set to
to try reconnecting to ther asterisk serve
even if the reconnection attempt threw an AuthenticationFailedException.
Default is false
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseDelTreeCommand
- Sets the key to delete.
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseGetCommand
- Sets the key to retrieve.
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabasePutCommand
- Sets the key to set.
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBGetAction
- Sets the key of the entry to retrieve.
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBPutAction
- Sets the key to set.
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- setKey(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DBGetResponseEvent
- Sets the key of the database entry that was queried.
- setKeyTree(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabaseDelCommand
- Sets the keytree to delete.
- setLastApplication(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setLastCall(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets the time the last successful call answered by this member was
- setLastCall(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the time the last successful call answered by this member was
- setLastData(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setLevel(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.VerboseCommand
- Sets the level to use.
- setLink(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the name of the linked channel.
- setLinkedChannel(Channel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the channel this channel is bridged with.
- setListItems(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerlistCompleteEvent
- Sets the number of PeerEvents that have been reported.
- setLocalAddress(InetAddress) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
- setLocalPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
- setLocalStationId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the identifier of the local fax station.
- setLocation(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractQueueMemberEvent
- Sets the name of the member's interface.
- setLocation(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the name of the member's interface.
- setLoggedInChan(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the name of channel this agent logged in from.
- setLoggedInTime(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the time when the agent logged in.
- setLoginChan(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLoginEvent
- setLoginChan(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
- setLoginChan(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLoginEvent
- setLoginTime(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
- setLoginTime(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLogoffEvent
- setMailbox(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxCountAction
- Sets the name of the mailbox to query.
This can either be only the number of the mailbox or a string of the form
mailboxnumber@context.If no context is specified "default" is assumed.
This property is mandatory.
- setMailbox(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MailboxStatusAction
- Sets the name of the mailbox to query.
This can either be only the name of the mailbox or a string of the form
- setMailbox(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
- Sets the name of the mailbox that has waiting messages.
- setMailbox(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxCountResponse
- Sets the name of the mailbox.
- setMailbox(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxStatusResponse
- Sets the names of the mailboxes.
- setManagerConnection(ManagerConnection) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- setMappings(Map) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.SimpleMappingStrategy
- Set the path to AGIScript mapping.
Use the path (for example hello.agi
) as key and your
AGIScript (for example new HelloAGIScript()
) as value of
this map.
- setMappingStrategy(MappingStrategy) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- Sets the strategy to use for mapping AGIRequests to AGIScripts that serve
The default mapping strategy is a ResourceBundleMappingStrategy.
- setMax(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the maximum number of people waiting in the queue.
- setMax(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Queue
- setMaxDigits(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetDataCommand
- Sets the maximum number of digits to read.
- setMeetMe(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
- Sets the conference number.
- setMember(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueStatusAction
- Sets the member filter.
- setMember(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
- Sets the name of the member's interface.
- setMembership(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets if the added member is a dynamic or static queue member.
- setMembership(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets if this member has been dynamically or statically added.
- setMessage(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.VerboseCommand
- Sets the message to send.
- setMessage(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ReloadEvent
- setMessage(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the message.
- setMix(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.MonitorAction
- Set to true if the two voice files should be joined at the end of the
- SetMusicOffCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Turns off music on hold on the current channel.
Always returns 0. - SetMusicOffCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetMusicOffCommand
- Creates a new SetMusicOffCommand.
- SetMusicOnCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Turns on music on hold on the current channel.
Always returns 0. - SetMusicOnCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetMusicOnCommand
- Creates a new SetMusicOnCommand playing music from the default music on
hold class.
- SetMusicOnCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetMusicOnCommand
- Creates a new SetMusicOnCommand playing music from the default music on
hold class.
- setMusicOnHoldClass(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetMusicOnCommand
- Sets the music on hold class to play music from.
- setName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the name of this channel.
- setName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the name of this agent.
- setNatSupport(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setNew(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
- Sets the number of new messages in this mailbox.
- setNewMessages(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxCountResponse
- Sets the number of new messages in the mailbox.
- setNewname(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- Sets the new name of the channel.
- setNumber(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayNumberCommand
- Sets the number to say.
- setNumber(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDialOffhookAction
- Sets the number to dial.
This property is mandatory.
- setObjectName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- setOffset(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ControlStreamFileCommand
- Sets the offset samples to skip before streaming.
- setOffset(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Sets the offset samples to skip.
- setOffset(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Sets the offset samples to skip before streaming.
- setOld(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
- Sets the number of old messages in this mailbox.
- setOldMessages(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxCountResponse
- Sets the number of old messages in the mailbox.
- setOldname(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- Sets the old name of the channel.
- setOptions(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ExecCommand
- Sets the options to pass to the application.
- setPagesTransferred(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the number of pages transferred.
- setPassword(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the password to use to connect to the asterisk server.
- setPassword(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory
- Sets the default password.
Default is "admin".
- setPaused(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Sets if the queue member should be paused when added.
- setPaused(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Sets if the member is made available or unavailable.
This property is mandatory.
- setPaused(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets if this member is paused.
- setPaused(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets if this member has been paused.
- setPaused(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberPausedEvent
- Sets if this member is paused.
- setPeer(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SIPShowPeerAction
- Sets the name of the peer to retrieve.
This parameter is mandatory.
- setPeer(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
- Sets the name of the peer that registered.
- setPeerStatus(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
- Sets the registration state.
- setPenalty(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Sets the penalty for this member.
The penalty must be a positive integer or 0 for no penalty.
- setPenalty(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets the penalty for this member.
- setPenalty(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the penalty for this member.
- setPoolSize(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- Sets the number of worker threads in the thread pool.
This equals the maximum number of concurrent requests this AGIServer can
The default pool size is 10.
- setPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- Sets the TCP port to listen on for new connections.
The default port is 4573.
- setPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskServer
- Sets the port.
- setPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the port to use to connect to the asterisk server.
- setPort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory
- Sets the default port.
Default is 5038.
- setPosition(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.JoinEvent
- Sets the position of the joined channel in the queue.
- setPosition(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the position of this entry in the queue.
- setPriority(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Sets the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setPriority(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sets the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setPriority(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Sets the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setPriority(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetPriorityCommand
- Sets the priority or label for continuation upon exiting the application.
- setPriority(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- setPriority(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the priority of the extension to connect to.
- setPriority(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.RedirectAction
- Sets the destination priority.
- setPriority(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCalledEvent
- setPriority(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the priority.
- setPriority(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- setPriority(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the priority of the extension to connect to.
- SetPriorityCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sets the priority for continuation upon exiting the application.
Since Asterisk 1.2 SetPriorityCommand also supports labels. - SetPriorityCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetPriorityCommand
- Creates a new SetPriorityCommand.
- setPrivilege(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ManagerEvent
- Sets the AMI authorization class of this event.
- setProtocolIdentifier(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ConnectEvent
- Sets the version of the protocol.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueAddAction
- Sets the name of the queue the new member will be added to.
This property is mandatory.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueuePauseAction
- Sets the name of the queue the member is made available or unavailable
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueRemoveAction
- Sets the name of the queue the member will be removed from.
This property is mandatory.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.QueueStatusAction
- Sets the queue filter.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
- Sets the name of the queue.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractQueueMemberEvent
- Sets the name of the queue.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the name of the queue that contains this entry.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEvent
- Sets the name of the queue.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the name of the queue.
- setQueue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the name of the queue.
- setReason(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- setReason(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
- Sets the reason for the logoff.
- setReason(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCompleteEvent
- Sets if the agent or the caller terminated the call.
- setReason(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LogChannelEvent
- Sets the reason for disabling logging.
- setReason(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- setRemoteAddress(InetAddress) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
- setRemotePort(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
- setRemoteStationId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the identifier of the remote fax station.
- setRepsonse(ManagerResponse) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ResponseEventsImpl
- Sets the ManagerResponse received.
- setResolution(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the row resolution of the received fax.
- setResourceBundleName(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.ResourceBundleMappingStrategy
- setResponse(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the response.
- setRestart(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ShutdownEvent
- setResult(List) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.CommandResponse
- Sets the result.
- setSeconds(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the number of elapsed seconds.
- setSecret(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Sets the secret to use when using cleartext login.
The secret contains the user's password as configured in Asterisk's
The secret and key properties are mutually exclusive.
- setServiceLevel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the service level.
- setServiceLevelPerf(Double) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the ratio of calls answered within the specified service level per total completed
- setShutdown(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ShutdownEvent
- setSignalling(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
- Sets the signalling of this zap channel.
- setSkipQueues(boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultAsteriskManager
- Determines if queue status is retrieved at startup.
- setSleepTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Deprecated. this has been replaced by an interrupt based response
checking approach.
- setSocket(SocketConnectionFacade) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerReaderImpl
- Sets the socket to use for reading from the asterisk server.
- setSocket(SocketConnectionFacade) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerWriterImpl
- setSocket(SocketConnectionFacade) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerReader
- Sets the socket to use for reading from the asterisk server.
- setSocket(SocketConnectionFacade) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerWriter
- Sets the socket to use for writing to Asterisk.
- setSocketTimeout(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- setSocketTimeout(int) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnection
- The timeout to use when connecting the the Asterisk server.
Default is 0, that is using Java's built-in default.
- setSoft(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentLogoffAction
- Sets whether existing calls should be hung up or not.
Default is to hangup existing calls on logoff.
- setSrc(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setSrc(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the name of the source channel.
- setSrcUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DialEvent
- Sets the unique ID of the source channel.
- setStartTime(Date) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- setStartTime(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setState(ChannelStateEnum) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- Sets the state of this channel.
- setState(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
- Sets the (new) state of the channel.
- setState(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DNDStateEvent
- Sets the DND state of the channel.
- setState(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- setStatus(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the status of this agent.
- setStatus(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ExtensionStatusEvent
- Sets the state of the extension.
- setStatus(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerEntryEvent
- Sets the status of this peer.
- setStatus(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberAddedEvent
- Sets the status of this queue member.
- setStatus(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueMemberEvent
- Sets the status of this queue member.
- setStatus(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Sets the registration state.
- setStatus(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
- setTalkingTo(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentsEvent
- Sets the numerical Caller*ID of the channel this agent is talking to.
- setTalkTime(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCompleteEvent
- Sets the amount of time the caller talked to the agent.
- setTargetVersion(AsteriskVersion) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ActionBuilder
- Sets the version of the Asterisk server to built the action for.
- setTargetVersion(AsteriskVersion) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ActionBuilderImpl
- setTargetVersion(AsteriskVersion) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.ManagerWriterImpl
- setTargetVersion(AsteriskVersion) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerWriter
- Sets the version of the target Asterisk server.
- setText(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayAlphaCommand
- Sets the text to say.
- setText(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayPhoneticCommand
- Sets the text to say.
- setText(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SendTextCommand
- Sets the text to send.
- setTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Returns the time to say in seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 on January 1,
1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
This property is mandatory.
- setTime(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayTimeCommand
- Sets the time to say in seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
- setTime(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetAutoHangupCommand
- Sets the number of seconds before this channel is automatically hung up.
- setTime(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.PeerStatusEvent
- setTimeout(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetDataCommand
- Sets the timeout to wait for data.
- setTimeout(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetOptionCommand
- Sets the timeout to wait if none of the defined esacpe digits was presses
while streaming.
- setTimeout(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveCharCommand
- Sets the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive a character.
- setTimeout(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.ReceiveTextCommand
- Sets the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive the text.
- setTimeout(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.RecordFileCommand
- Sets the maximum record time in milliseconds.
- setTimeout(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.TDDModeCommand
- Sets the mode to set.
- setTimeout(long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.WaitForDigitCommand
- Sets the milliseconds to wait for the channel to receive a DTMF digit.
- setTimeout(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AbsoluteTimeoutAction
- Sets the timeout (in seconds) to set on channel.
Setting the timeout to 0 cancels the timeout.
- setTimeout(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Deprecated. use
- setTimeout(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for the origination.
The channel must be answered within this time, otherwise the origination
is considered to have failed and an OriginateFailureEvent is generated.
If not set, Asterisk assumes a default value of 30000 meaning 30 seconds.
- setTimeout(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the number of seconds this call will be parked.
- setTimeout(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the timeout (in milliseconds) for the origination.
The channel must be answered within this time, otherwise the origination
is considered to have failed and an OriginateFailureEvent is generated.
If not set, a default value of 30000 is asumed meaning 30 seconds.
- setTimezone(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SayDateTimeCommand
- Sets the timezone to use when saying the time.
A list of available timezones is available in
on your Asterisk server.
Defaults to machine default.
- setTransferRate(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.FaxReceivedEvent
- Sets the transfer rate in bits/s.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AbstractAgentEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLoginEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentCallbackLogoffEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLoginEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.AgentLogoffEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ChannelEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewCallerIdEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.NewExtenEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.OriginateEvent
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ParkedCallEvent
- Sets the unique id of the parked channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- Sets the unique id of this channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnholdEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UserEvent
- Sets the unqiue id of the channel this event occured in.
- setUniqueId(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- Sets the unique id received with this response.
- setUniqueId1(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel that put the other channel on hold.
- setUniqueId1(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the unique id of the first channel.
- setUniqueId2(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.HoldedCallEvent
- Sets the unique id of the channel that has been put on hold.
- setUniqueId2(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.LinkageEvent
- Sets the unique id of the second channel.
- setUser(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Deprecated. Please do not use this method it is a workaround for Asterisk
1.0.x servers. See Asterisk bug 4916.
- setUserField(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetCDRUserFieldAction
- Sets the value of the cdr user field to set or append.
This property is mandatory.
- setUserField(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.CdrEvent
- setUsername(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.LoginAction
- Sets the username as configured in asterik's
- setUsername(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- Sets the username to use to connect to the asterisk server.
- setUsername(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RegistryEvent
- Sets the username used for registration.
- setUsername(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ManagerConnectionFactory
- Sets the default username.
Default is "admin".
- setUserNum(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MeetMeEvent
- setVal(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.DBPutAction
- Sets the value to set.
- setVal(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.DBGetResponseEvent
- Sets the value of the database entry that was queried.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.DatabasePutCommand
- Sets the value to set.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetVariableCommand
- Sets the value to set.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Sets the value to store.
- SetVarAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The SetVarAction sets the value of a global or local channel variable.
Setting global variables is supported since Asterisk 1.2. - SetVarAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Creates a new empty SetVarAction.
- SetVarAction(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Creates a new SetVarAction that sets the given global variable to a new value.
- SetVarAction(String, String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Creates a new SetVarAction that sets the given channel variable of the
given channel to a new value.
- setVariable(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Sets the value of the given channel variable to a new value.
- setVariable(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Sets the value of the current channel variable to a new value.
- setVariable(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Sets the value of the given channel variable to a new value.
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetFullVariableCommand
- Sets the name of the variable to retrieve.
You can also use custom dialplan functions (like "func(args)") as
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.GetVariableCommand
- Sets the name of the variable to retrieve.
Since Asterisk 1.2 you can also use custom dialplan functions (like
"func(args)") as variable.
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetVariableCommand
- Sets the name of the variable to set.
- setVariable(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.GetVarAction
- Sets the name of the variable to query.
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Deprecated. use
- setVariable(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- Sets the name of the variable to set.
- setVariable(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets a variable on the originated call.
- SetVariableCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sets the given channel varible to the given value.
- SetVariableCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.SetVariableCommand
- Creates a new GetVariableCommand.
- setVariables(Map) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.OriginateAction
- Sets the variables to set on the originated call.
- setVariables(Map) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Originate
- Sets the variables to set on the originated call.
- setWait(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueEntryEvent
- Sets the number of seconds this entry has spent in the queue.
- setWaiting(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.MessageWaitingEvent
- Sets the number of new messages in the mailbox.
- setWaiting(Boolean) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.MailboxStatusResponse
- Set to Boolean.TRUE if at least one of the mailboxes contains new messages;
Boolean.FALSE otherwise.
- setWeight(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.QueueParamsEvent
- Sets the weight of this queue.
- setWrapupTime(Long) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AgentCallbackLoginAction
- Sets the minimum amount of time after disconnecting before the caller can
receive a new call.
This property is optional, it allows you to override the defaults defined
in Asterisk's configuration.
- setZapChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDialOffhookAction
- Sets the number of the zap channel.
This property is mandatory.
- setZapChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOffAction
- Sets the number of the zap channel to switch to dnd off.
This property is mandatory.
- setZapChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOnAction
- Sets the number of the zap channel to switch to dnd on.
This property is mandatory.
- setZapChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapHangupAction
- Sets the number of the zap channel to hangup.
This property is mandatory.
- setZapChannel(Integer) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapTransferAction
- Sets the number of the zap channel to transfer.
This property is mandatory.
- shutdown() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIServer
- Shuts this AGIServer down.
The server socket is closed and all resources are freed.
- shutdown() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIServerThread
- Stops the AGIServer.
- shutdown() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- shutdown() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.ThreadPool
- Turn off the pool.
- ShutdownEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ShutdownEvent is triggered when the asterisk server is shut down or restarted.
It is implemented in asterisk.c
- ShutdownEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ShutdownEvent
- SimpleMappingStrategy - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
- A MappingStrategy that is configured via a fixed set of properties.
This mapping strategy is most useful when used with the Spring framework.
Example (using Spring): - SimpleMappingStrategy() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.SimpleMappingStrategy
- SIPPeersAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- Retrieves a list of all defined SIP peers.
For each peer that is found a PeerEntryEvent is sent by Asterisk containing
the details. - SIPPeersAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SIPPeersAction
- Creates a new SIPPeersAction.
- SIPShowPeerAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- Retrieves a the details about a given SIP peer.
For a PeerEntryEvent is sent by Asterisk containing the details of the peer
followed by a PeerlistCompleteEvent.
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - SIPShowPeerAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SIPShowPeerAction
- Creates a new empty SIPShowPeerAction.
- SIPShowPeerAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SIPShowPeerAction
- Creates a new SIPShowPeerAction that requests the details about the given
SIP peer.
- SocketConnectionFacade - Interface in net.sf.asterisk.io
- The SocketConnectionFacade provides read and write operation for
communication over TCP/IP sockets.
It hides the details of the underlying I/O system used for socket
communication. - SocketConnectionFacadeImpl - Class in net.sf.asterisk.io.impl
- Default implementation of the SocketConnectionFacade interface using java.io.
- SocketConnectionFacadeImpl(String, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
- SocketConnectionFacadeImpl(String, int, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
- startup() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIServer
- Starts this AGIServer.
After calling startup() this AGIServer is ready to receive requests from
Asterisk servers and process them.
- startup() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIServerThread
- Starts the AGIServer in its own thread.
Note: The AGIServerThread is designed to handle on AGIServer instance at
a time so calling this method twice without stopping the AGIServer in
between will result in a RuntimeException.
- startup() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.DefaultAGIServer
- StatusAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The StatusAction requests the state of all active channels.
For each active channel a StatusEvent is generated. - StatusAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.StatusAction
- Creates a new StatusAction.
- StatusCompleteEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A StatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all channels has been reported in response
to a StatusAction.
- StatusCompleteEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusCompleteEvent
- StatusEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A StatusEvent is triggered for each active channel in response to a StatusAction.
- StatusEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.StatusEvent
- StopMonitorAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The StopMonitorAction ends monitoring (recording) a channel.
It is implemented in res/res_monitor.c
- StopMonitorAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.StopMonitorAction
- Creates a new empty StopMonitorAction.
- StopMonitorAction(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.StopMonitorAction
- Creates a new StopMonitorAction that ends monitoring of the given
- stopMusicOnHold(AGIChannel) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Stops playing music on hold.
- stopMusicOnHold() -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Stops playing music on hold.
- stopMusicOnHold() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Stops playing music on hold.
- stopMusicOnHold() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- streamFile(AGIChannel, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Plays the given file.
- streamFile(AGIChannel, String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Plays the given file and allows the user to escape by pressing one of the
given digit.
- streamFile(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Plays the given file.
- streamFile(String, String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Plays the given file and allows the user to escape by pressing one of the
given digit.
- streamFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Plays the given file.
- streamFile(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Plays the given file and allows the user to escape by pressing one of the
given digit.
- streamFile(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- streamFile(String, String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- StreamFileCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Plays the given file, allowing playback to be interrupted by the given
digits, if any.
If offset is provided then the audio will seek to sample offset before play
Returns 0 if playback completes without a digit being pressed, or the ASCII
numerical value of the digit if one was pressed, or -1 on error or if the
channel was disconnected. - StreamFileCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Creates a new StreamFileCommand, streaming from the beginning.
- StreamFileCommand(String, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Creates a new StreamFileCommand, streaming from the beginning.
- StreamFileCommand(String, String, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.StreamFileCommand
- Creates a new StreamFileCommand, streaming from the given offset.
- stripInternalActionId(String) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.Util
- Strips the internal action id from the given action id.
- TDDModeCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Enable/Disable TDD transmission/reception on a channel.
Returns 1 if successful, or 0 if channel is not TDD-capable. - TDDModeCommand(String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.TDDModeCommand
- Creates a new TDDModeCommand.
- ThreadPool - Class in net.sf.asterisk.util
- A fixed sized thread pool.
- ThreadPool(String, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.util.ThreadPool
- Creates a new ThreadPool of numThreads size.
- TimeoutException - Exception in net.sf.asterisk.manager
- A TimeoutException is thrown if a ManagerResponse is not received within the
expected time period.
- TimeoutException(String) -
Constructor for exception net.sf.asterisk.manager.TimeoutException
- Creates a new TimeoutException with the given message.
- toHexString(byte[]) -
Static method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.Util
- Converts a byte array to a hex string representing it.
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.AsteriskVersion
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.AGICommand
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIRequestImpl
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl.AGIReplyImpl
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.AbstractManagerAction
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.AsteriskServer
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Call
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Channel
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ManagerEvent
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Extension
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.Queue
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ExtensionStateResponse
- toString() -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.response.ManagerResponse
- trace(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log a message to the Log4j Logger with
- trace(Object, Throwable) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log an error to the Log4j Logger with
- UnholdEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- An UnholdEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is no
longer put on hold.
It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - UnholdEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnholdEvent
- Creates a new UnholdEvent.
- uniqueId -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.RenameEvent
- Unique id of the channel.
- UnlinkEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- An UnlinkEvent is triggered when a link between two voice channels is discontinued, for example,
just before call completion.
It is implemented in channel.c
- UnlinkEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnlinkEvent
- UnparkedCallEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A UnparkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is
It is implemented in res/res_features.c
Available since Asterisk 1.2 - UnparkedCallEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UnparkedCallEvent
- UP -
Static variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.ChannelStateEnum
- UserEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- Abstract base class for user events.
You can send arbitrary user events via the UserEvent application provided with asterisk. - UserEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.UserEvent
- username -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.DefaultManagerConnection
- The username to use for login as defined in Asterisk's
- Util - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl
- Utilitiy class with some static helper methods that are used in multiple
The methods for handling the internal action id are used to make sure we
send unique ids to Asterisk even when the user of Asterisk-Java does not
provide a unique action id or no action id at all.
All the methods contained in this class are supposed to be internally
only. - Util() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl.Util
- value -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- The value to store.
- variable -
Variable in class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.SetVarAction
- The name of the variable to set.
- VerboseCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Sends a message to the console via the verbose message system.
Always returns 1. - VerboseCommand(String, int) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.VerboseCommand
- Creates a new VerboseCommand.
- waitForDigit(AGIChannel, int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AbstractAGIScript
- Deprecated. Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds to receive a DTMF digit.
- waitForDigit(int) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.AGIChannel
- Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds to receive a DTMF digit.
- waitForDigit(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.BaseAGIScript
- Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds to receive a DTMF digit.
- waitForDigit(int) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl.AGIChannelImpl
- WaitForDigitCommand - Class in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command
- Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit.
Returns -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is received in the timeout, or
the numerical value of the ascii of the digit if one is received. - WaitForDigitCommand() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.WaitForDigitCommand
- Creates a new WaitForDigitCommand with a default timeout of -1 which
blocks the channel indefinitely.
- WaitForDigitCommand(long) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.command.WaitForDigitCommand
- Creates a new WaitForDigitCommand.
- warn(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.JavaLoggingLog
- warn(Object, Throwable) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.JavaLoggingLog
- warn(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log a message to the Log4j Logger with
- warn(Object, Throwable) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.Log4JLogger
- Log an error to the Log4j Logger with
- warn(Object) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.NullLog
- warn(Object, Throwable) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.util.impl.NullLog
- warn(Object) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.util.Log
- warn(Object, Throwable) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.util.Log
- write(String) -
Method in class net.sf.asterisk.io.impl.SocketConnectionFacadeImpl
- write(String) -
Method in interface net.sf.asterisk.io.SocketConnectionFacade
- Sends a given String to the socket connection.
- ZapDialOffhookAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapDialOffhookAction dials a number on a zap channel while offhook.
- ZapDialOffhookAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDialOffhookAction
- Creates a new empty ZapDialOffhookAction.
- ZapDialOffhookAction(Integer, String) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDialOffhookAction
- Creates a new ZapDialOffhookAction that dials the given number on the
given zap channel.
- ZapDNDOffAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapDNDOnAction switches a zap channel "Do Not Disturb" status off.
- ZapDNDOffAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOffAction
- Creates a new empty ZapDNDOffAction.
- ZapDNDOffAction(Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOffAction
- Creates a new ZapDNDOffAction that disables "Do Not Disturb" status for
the given zap channel.
- ZapDNDOnAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapDNDOnAction switches a zap channel "Do Not Disturb" status on.
- ZapDNDOnAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOnAction
- Creates a new empty ZapDNDOnAction.
- ZapDNDOnAction(Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapDNDOnAction
- Creates a new ZapDNDOnAction that enables "Do Not Disturb" status for
the given zap channel.
- ZapHangupAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapHangupAction hangs up a zap channel.
- ZapHangupAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapHangupAction
- Creates a new empty ZapHangupAction.
- ZapHangupAction(Integer) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapHangupAction
- Creates a new ZapHangupAction that hangs up the given zap channel.
- ZapShowChannelsAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapShowChannelsAction requests the state of all zap channels.
For each zap channel a ZapShowChannelsEvent is generated. - ZapShowChannelsAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapShowChannelsAction
- Creates a new ZapShowChannelsAction.
- ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all zap channels has been reported
in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction.
- ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent
- ZapShowChannelsEvent - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event
- A ZapShowChannelsEvent is triggered in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction and shows the state of
a zap channel.
- ZapShowChannelsEvent(Object) -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.event.ZapShowChannelsEvent
- ZapTransferAction - Class in net.sf.asterisk.manager.action
- The ZapTransferAction transfers a zap channel.
- ZapTransferAction() -
Constructor for class net.sf.asterisk.manager.action.ZapTransferAction
All Classes
Copyright © 2004-2005 Stefan Reuter. All Rights Reserved.