Uses of Package

Packages that use net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's FastAGI. 
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the net.sf.asterisk.fastagi package. 

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi used by net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
          Provides the functionality to send AGICommands to Asterisk while handling an AGIRequest.
This interface is supposed to be used by AGIScripts for interaction with the Asterisk server.
          Abstract base class for all AGI specific exceptions.
          The AGIReader reads the replies from the network and parses them using a ReplyBuilder.
          Defines an object to provide client request information to an AGIScript.
This includes information about the channel the script is invoked on and parameters passed from the dialplan.
          AGIScripts are used by the AsteriskServer to handle AGIRequests received from the Asterisk server.
To implement functionality using this framework you have to implement this interface.
Note: The implementation of AGIScript must be threadsafe as only one instance is used by AsteriskServer to handle all requests to a resource.
          Listens for incoming AGI connections, reads the inital data and builds an AGIRequest using an AGIRequestBuilder.
The AGIRequest is then handed over to the appropriate AGIScript for processing.
          The AGIWriter sends commands to Asterisk.
          A MappingStrategy determines which AGIScript has to be called to service a given AGIRequest.

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi used by net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl
          Provides the functionality to send AGICommands to Asterisk while handling an AGIRequest.
This interface is supposed to be used by AGIScripts for interaction with the Asterisk server.
          Abstract base class for all AGI specific exceptions.
          The AGIReader reads the replies from the network and parses them using a ReplyBuilder.
          Defines an object to provide client request information to an AGIScript.
This includes information about the channel the script is invoked on and parameters passed from the dialplan.
          The AGIWriter sends commands to Asterisk.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Stefan Reuter. All Rights Reserved.