Uses of Package

Packages that use net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's FastAGI. 
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the net.sf.asterisk.fastagi package. 
net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply package. 

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply used by net.sf.asterisk.fastagi
          Reply received in response to an AGICommand.
The AGIReply contains information about success or failure of the execution of an AGICommand and - depending on the command sent - additional information returned, for example the value of a variable requested by a GetVariableCommand.

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply used by net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.impl
          Reply received in response to an AGICommand.
The AGIReply contains information about success or failure of the execution of an AGICommand and - depending on the command sent - additional information returned, for example the value of a variable requested by a GetVariableCommand.

Classes in net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply used by net.sf.asterisk.fastagi.reply.impl
          Reply received in response to an AGICommand.
The AGIReply contains information about success or failure of the execution of an AGICommand and - depending on the command sent - additional information returned, for example the value of a variable requested by a GetVariableCommand.

Copyright © 2004-2005 Stefan Reuter. All Rights Reserved.