Uses of Class

Packages that use TimeoutException
net.sf.asterisk.manager Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's Manager API. 

Uses of TimeoutException in net.sf.asterisk.manager

Subclasses of TimeoutException in net.sf.asterisk.manager
 class EventTimeoutException
          An EventTimeoutException is thrown if a ManagerResponse or some ResponseEvents are not completely received within the expected time period.
This exception allows you to retrieve the partial result, that is the events that have been successfully received before the timeout occured.

Methods in net.sf.asterisk.manager that throw TimeoutException
protected  AsteriskVersion DefaultManagerConnection.determineVersion()
 void MultiAsterisksManager.initialize()
 void DefaultAsteriskManager.initialize()
 void DefaultManagerConnection.login()
          Logs in to the asterisk manager using asterisk's MD5 based challenge/response protocol.
 void ManagerConnection.login()
          Logs in to the Asterisk server with the username and password specified when this connection was created.
 void DefaultManagerConnection.logoff()
          Sends a LogoffAction and disconnects from the server.
 void ManagerConnection.logoff()
          Sends a LogoffAction to the Asterisk server and disconnects.
 Call MultiAsterisksManager.originateCall(Originate originate)
 Call DefaultAsteriskManager.originateCall(Originate originate)
 Call AsteriskManager.originateCall(Originate originate)
          Generates an outgoing call.
 ManagerResponse DefaultManagerConnection.sendAction(ManagerAction action)
 ManagerResponse ManagerConnection.sendAction(ManagerAction action)
          Sends a ManagerAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the corresponding ManagerResponse.
 ManagerResponse DefaultManagerConnection.sendAction(ManagerAction action, long timeout)
 ManagerResponse ManagerConnection.sendAction(ManagerAction action, long timeout)
          Sends a ManagerAction to the Asterisk server and waits for the corresponding ManagerResponse.

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