Class Summary | |
AbstractAgentEvent | Abstract base class for several agent related events. |
AbstractParkedCallEvent | Abstract base class for several call parking related events. |
AbstractQueueMemberEvent | Abstract base class for several queue member related events. |
AgentCallbackLoginEvent | An AgentCallbackLoginEvent is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in using
AgentCallbackLogin. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
AgentCallbackLogoffEvent | An AgentCallbackLogoffEvent is triggered when an agent that previously logged in using
AgentCallbackLogin is logged of. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
AgentCalledEvent | An AgentCalledEvent is triggered when an agent is rung. To enable AgentCalledEvents you have to set eventwhencalled = yes in queues.conf .This event is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
AgentCompleteEvent | An AgentCompleteEvent is triggered when at the end of a call if the caller
was connected to an agent. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
AgentConnectEvent | An AgentConnectEvent is triggered when a caller is connected to an agent. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
AgentDumpEvent | An AgentDumpEvent is triggered when an agent dumps the caller while listening
to the queue announcement. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
AgentLoginEvent | An AgentLoginEvent is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in using AgentLogin. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
AgentLogoffEvent | An AgentCallbackLogoffEvent is triggered when an agent that previously logged in using AgentLogin
is logged of. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
AgentsCompleteEvent | An AgentsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all agents has been
reported in response to an AgentsAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
AgentsEvent | An AgentsEvent is triggered for each agent in response to an AgentsAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
AlarmClearEvent | An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel leaves alarm state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c |
AlarmEvent | An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel enters or changes alarm state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c |
CdrEvent | A CdrEvent is triggered when a call detail record is generated, usually at the end of a call. To enable CdrEvents you have to add enabled = yes to the general section in
cdr_manager.conf .This event is implemented in cdr/cdr_manager.c |
ChannelEvent | Abstract base class providing common properties for HangupEvent, NewChannelEvent and NewStateEvent. |
ConnectEvent | A ConnectEvent is triggered after successful login to the asterisk server. It is a pseudo event not directly related to an asterisk generated event. |
DBGetResponseEvent | A DBGetResponseEvent is sent in response to a DBGetAction and contains the
entry that was queried. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
DialEvent | A dial event is triggered whenever a phone attempts to dial someone. This event is implemented in apps/app_dial.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2. |
DisconnectEvent | A DisconnectEvent is triggered when the connection to the asterisk server is lost. It is a pseudo event not directly related to an asterisk generated event. |
DNDStateEvent | A DNDStateEvent is triggered by the Zap channel driver when a channel enters
or leaves DND (do not disturb) state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
ExtensionStatusEvent | An ExtensionStatusEvent is triggered when the state of an extension changes. It is implemented in manager.c |
FaxReceivedEvent | A FaxReceivedEvent is triggered by spandsp after a new fax has been received. It is only available if you installed the spandsp patches to Asterisk. See http://soft-switch.org/installing-spandsp.html for details. Implemented in apps/app_rxfax.c . |
HangupEvent | A HangupEvent is triggered when a channel is hung up. It is implemented in channel.c |
HoldedCallEvent | A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is put on hold. It is implemented in res/res_features.c |
HoldEvent | A HoldEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is put on
hold. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
JoinEvent | A JoinEvent is triggered when a channel joines a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
LeaveEvent | A LeaveEvent is triggered when a channel leaves a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
LinkageEvent | Abstract base class providing common properties for LinkEvent and UnlinkEvent. |
LinkEvent | A LinkEvent is triggered when two voice channels are linked together and voice data exchange
commences. Several Link events may be seen for a single call. |
LogChannelEvent | A LogChannelEvent is triggered when logging is turned on or off. It is implemented in logger.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
ManagerEvent | Abstract base class for all Events that can be received from the Asterisk
server. Events contain data pertaining to an event generated from within the Asterisk core or an extension module. There is one conrete subclass of ManagerEvent per each supported Asterisk Event. |
MeetMeEvent | Abstract base class providing common properties for meet me (asterisk's conference system) events. |
MeetMeJoinEvent | A MeetMeJoinEvent is triggered if a channel joins a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c |
MeetMeLeaveEvent | A MeetMeLeaveEvent is triggered if a channel leaves a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c |
MeetMeStopTalkingEvent | A MeetMeStopTalkingEvent is triggered when a user ends talking in a meet me
conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
MeetMeTalkingEvent | A MeetMeTalkingEvent is triggered when a user starts talking in a meet me
conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
MessageWaitingEvent | A MessageWaitingEvent is triggered when someone leaves voicemail. It is implemented in apps/app_voicemail.c |
NewCallerIdEvent | A NewCallerIdEvent is triggered when the caller id of a channel changes. It is implemented in channel.c |
NewChannelEvent | A NewChannelEvent is triggered when a new channel is created. It is implemented in channel.c |
NewExtenEvent | A NewExtenEvent is triggered when a channel is connected to a new extension. It is implemented in pbx.c |
NewStateEvent | A NewStateEvent is triggered when the state of a channel has changed. It is implemented in channel.c |
OriginateEvent | Abstract base class for events triggered in response to an OriginateAction. |
OriginateFailureEvent | An OriginateFailureEvent is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction failed. |
OriginateSuccessEvent | An OriginateSuccessEvent is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction succeeded. |
ParkedCallEvent | A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is parked (in this case no
action id is set) and in response to a ParkedCallsAction. It is implemented in res/res_features.c |
ParkedCallGiveUpEvent | A ParkedCallGiveUpEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is
hung up. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
ParkedCallsCompleteEvent | A ParkedCallsCompleteEvent is triggered after all parked calls have been reported in response to a ParkedCallsAction. |
ParkedCallTimeOutEvent | A ParkedCallTimeOutEvent is triggered when call parking times out for a given
channel. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
PeerEntryEvent | A PeerEntryEvent is triggered in response to a SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction and contains
information about a peer. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c |
PeerlistCompleteEvent | A PeerlistCompleteEvent is triggered after the details of all peers has been reported in response
to an SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
PeerStatusEvent | A PeerStatusEvent is triggered when a SIP or IAX client attempts to registrer at this asterisk
server. This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c and
channels/chan_sip.c |
QueueEntryEvent | A QueueEntryEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and
contains information about an entry in a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
QueueEvent | Abstract base class providing common properties for JoinEvent and LeaveEvent. |
QueueMemberAddedEvent | A QueueMemberAddedEvent is triggered when a queue member is added to a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
QueueMemberEvent | A QueueMemberEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and
contains information about a member of a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
QueueMemberPausedEvent | A QueueMemberPausedEvent is triggered when a queue member is paused or
unpaused. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
QueueMemberRemovedEvent | A QueueMemberRemovedEvent is triggered when a queue member is removed from a
queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
QueueMemberStatusEvent | A QueueMemberStatusEvent shows the status of a QueueMemberEvent |
QueueParamsEvent | A QueueParamsEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains the parameters of
a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
QueueStatusCompleteEvent | A QueueStatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all queues has been reported in response
to a QueueStatusAction. Since Asterisk 1.2 |
RegistryEvent | A RegistryEvent is triggered when this asterisk server attempts to register
as a client at another SIP or IAX server. This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c and
channels/chan_sip.c |
ReloadEvent | A ReloadEvent is triggerd when the reload console command is executed or the
asterisk server is started.It is implemented in manager.c |
RenameEvent | A RenameEvent is triggered when the name of a channel is changed. It is implemented in channel.c |
ResponseEvent | Abstract base class for events triggered in response to a ManagerAction. All ResponseEvents contain an additional action id property that links the event to the action that caused it. |
ShutdownEvent | A ShutdownEvent is triggered when the asterisk server is shut down or restarted. It is implemented in asterisk.c |
StatusCompleteEvent | A StatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all channels has been reported in response to a StatusAction. |
StatusEvent | A StatusEvent is triggered for each active channel in response to a StatusAction. |
UnholdEvent | An UnholdEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is no
longer put on hold. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
UnlinkEvent | An UnlinkEvent is triggered when a link between two voice channels is discontinued, for example,
just before call completion. It is implemented in channel.c |
UnparkedCallEvent | A UnparkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is
resumed. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
UserEvent | Abstract base class for user events. You can send arbitrary user events via the UserEvent application provided with asterisk. |
ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent | A ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all zap channels has been reported in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction. |
ZapShowChannelsEvent | A ZapShowChannelsEvent is triggered in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction and shows the state of a zap channel. |
Provides classes that represent the standard events that can be received from an Asterisk server via the Manager API.