Packages that use ManagerEvent | |
net.sf.asterisk.manager | Provides an implementaion of Asterisk's Manager API. |
net.sf.asterisk.manager.event | Provides classes that represent the standard events that can be received from an Asterisk server via the Manager API. |
net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl | Provides private implementations for interfaces defined in the net.sf.asterisk.manager package. |
Uses of ManagerEvent in net.sf.asterisk.manager |
Methods in net.sf.asterisk.manager that return ManagerEvent | |
ManagerEvent |
EventBuilder.buildEvent(java.lang.Object source,
java.util.Map attributes)
Builds the event based on the given map of attributes and the registered event classes. |
Methods in net.sf.asterisk.manager with parameters of type ManagerEvent | |
protected void |
MultiAsterisksManager.dispatchEvent(ManagerEvent event)
void |
Dispatcher.dispatchEvent(ManagerEvent event)
This method is called by the reader whenever a ManagerEvent is received. |
void |
DefaultManagerConnection.dispatchEvent(ManagerEvent event)
This method is called by the reader whenever a ManagerEvent is received. |
void |
MultiAsterisksManager.handleEvent(ManagerEvent event)
Handles all events received from the asterisk server. Events are queued until channels and queues are initialized and then delegated to the dispatchEvent method. |
void |
ManagerEventHandler.handleEvent(ManagerEvent event)
This method is called when an event is received. |
void |
DefaultAsteriskManager.handleEvent(ManagerEvent event)
Handles all events received from the asterisk server. Events are queued until channels and queues are initialized and then delegated to the dispatchEvent method. |
Uses of ManagerEvent in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event |
Subclasses of ManagerEvent in net.sf.asterisk.manager.event | |
class |
Abstract base class for several agent related events. |
class |
Abstract base class for several call parking related events. |
class |
Abstract base class for several queue member related events. |
class |
An AgentCallbackLoginEvent is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in using AgentCallbackLogin. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
class |
An AgentCallbackLogoffEvent is triggered when an agent that previously logged in using AgentCallbackLogin is logged of. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
class |
An AgentCalledEvent is triggered when an agent is rung. To enable AgentCalledEvents you have to set eventwhencalled = yes in queues.conf .This event is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
An AgentCompleteEvent is triggered when at the end of a call if the caller was connected to an agent. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An AgentConnectEvent is triggered when a caller is connected to an agent. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An AgentDumpEvent is triggered when an agent dumps the caller while listening to the queue announcement. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An AgentLoginEvent is triggered when an agent is successfully logged in using AgentLogin. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
class |
An AgentCallbackLogoffEvent is triggered when an agent that previously logged in using AgentLogin is logged of. It is implemented in channels/chan_agent.c |
class |
An AgentsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all agents has been reported in response to an AgentsAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An AgentsEvent is triggered for each agent in response to an AgentsAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel leaves alarm state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c |
class |
An AlarmEvent is triggered when a Zap channel enters or changes alarm state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c |
class |
A CdrEvent is triggered when a call detail record is generated, usually at the end of a call. To enable CdrEvents you have to add enabled = yes to the general section in
cdr_manager.conf .This event is implemented in cdr/cdr_manager.c |
class |
Abstract base class providing common properties for HangupEvent, NewChannelEvent and NewStateEvent. |
class |
A ConnectEvent is triggered after successful login to the asterisk server. It is a pseudo event not directly related to an asterisk generated event. |
class |
A DBGetResponseEvent is sent in response to a DBGetAction and contains the entry that was queried. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A dial event is triggered whenever a phone attempts to dial someone. This event is implemented in apps/app_dial.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2. |
class |
A DisconnectEvent is triggered when the connection to the asterisk server is lost. It is a pseudo event not directly related to an asterisk generated event. |
class |
A DNDStateEvent is triggered by the Zap channel driver when a channel enters or leaves DND (do not disturb) state. It is implemented in channels/chan_zap.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An ExtensionStatusEvent is triggered when the state of an extension changes. It is implemented in manager.c |
class |
A FaxReceivedEvent is triggered by spandsp after a new fax has been received. It is only available if you installed the spandsp patches to Asterisk. See http://soft-switch.org/installing-spandsp.html for details. Implemented in apps/app_rxfax.c . |
class |
A HangupEvent is triggered when a channel is hung up. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is put on hold. It is implemented in res/res_features.c |
class |
A HoldEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is put on hold. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A JoinEvent is triggered when a channel joines a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
A LeaveEvent is triggered when a channel leaves a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
Abstract base class providing common properties for LinkEvent and UnlinkEvent. |
class |
A LinkEvent is triggered when two voice channels are linked together and voice data exchange commences. Several Link events may be seen for a single call. |
class |
A LogChannelEvent is triggered when logging is turned on or off. It is implemented in logger.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
Abstract base class providing common properties for meet me (asterisk's conference system) events. |
class |
A MeetMeJoinEvent is triggered if a channel joins a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c |
class |
A MeetMeLeaveEvent is triggered if a channel leaves a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c |
class |
A MeetMeStopTalkingEvent is triggered when a user ends talking in a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A MeetMeTalkingEvent is triggered when a user starts talking in a meet me conference. It is implemented in apps/app_meetme.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A MessageWaitingEvent is triggered when someone leaves voicemail. It is implemented in apps/app_voicemail.c |
class |
A NewCallerIdEvent is triggered when the caller id of a channel changes. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
A NewChannelEvent is triggered when a new channel is created. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
A NewExtenEvent is triggered when a channel is connected to a new extension. It is implemented in pbx.c |
class |
A NewStateEvent is triggered when the state of a channel has changed. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
Abstract base class for events triggered in response to an OriginateAction. |
class |
An OriginateFailureEvent is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction failed. |
class |
An OriginateSuccessEvent is triggered when the execution of an OriginateAction succeeded. |
class |
A ParkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel is parked (in this case no action id is set) and in response to a ParkedCallsAction. It is implemented in res/res_features.c |
class |
A ParkedCallGiveUpEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is hung up. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A ParkedCallsCompleteEvent is triggered after all parked calls have been reported in response to a ParkedCallsAction. |
class |
A ParkedCallTimeOutEvent is triggered when call parking times out for a given channel. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A PeerEntryEvent is triggered in response to a SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction and contains information about a peer. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c |
class |
A PeerlistCompleteEvent is triggered after the details of all peers has been reported in response to an SIPPeersAction or SIPShowPeerAction. Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A PeerStatusEvent is triggered when a SIP or IAX client attempts to registrer at this asterisk server. This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c and
channels/chan_sip.c |
class |
A QueueEntryEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains information about an entry in a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
Abstract base class providing common properties for JoinEvent and LeaveEvent. |
class |
A QueueMemberAddedEvent is triggered when a queue member is added to a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A QueueMemberEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains information about a member of a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
A QueueMemberPausedEvent is triggered when a queue member is paused or unpaused. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A QueueMemberRemovedEvent is triggered when a queue member is removed from a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A QueueMemberStatusEvent shows the status of a QueueMemberEvent |
class |
A QueueParamsEvent is triggered in response to a QueueStatusAction and contains the parameters of a queue. It is implemented in apps/app_queue.c |
class |
A QueueStatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all queues has been reported in response to a QueueStatusAction. Since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
A RegistryEvent is triggered when this asterisk server attempts to register as a client at another SIP or IAX server. This event is implemented in channels/chan_iax2.c and
channels/chan_sip.c |
class |
A ReloadEvent is triggerd when the reload console command is executed or the
asterisk server is started.It is implemented in manager.c |
class |
A RenameEvent is triggered when the name of a channel is changed. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
Abstract base class for events triggered in response to a ManagerAction. All ResponseEvents contain an additional action id property that links the event to the action that caused it. |
class |
A ShutdownEvent is triggered when the asterisk server is shut down or restarted. It is implemented in asterisk.c |
class |
A StatusCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all channels has been reported in response to a StatusAction. |
class |
A StatusEvent is triggered for each active channel in response to a StatusAction. |
class |
An UnholdEvent is triggered by the SIP channel driver when a channel is no longer put on hold. It is implemented in channels/chan_sip.c .Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
An UnlinkEvent is triggered when a link between two voice channels is discontinued, for example, just before call completion. It is implemented in channel.c |
class |
A UnparkedCallEvent is triggered when a channel that has been parked is resumed. It is implemented in res/res_features.c Available since Asterisk 1.2 |
class |
Abstract base class for user events. You can send arbitrary user events via the UserEvent application provided with asterisk. |
class |
A ZapShowChannelsCompleteEvent is triggered after the state of all zap channels has been reported in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction. |
class |
A ZapShowChannelsEvent is triggered in response to a ZapShowChannelsAction and shows the state of a zap channel. |
Uses of ManagerEvent in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl |
Methods in net.sf.asterisk.manager.impl that return ManagerEvent | |
ManagerEvent |
EventBuilderImpl.buildEvent(java.lang.Object source,
java.util.Map attributes)